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Rapport Sur Londres, Le Prince William Et Facebook En Anglais

Commentaires Composés : Rapport Sur Londres, Le Prince William Et Facebook En Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Septembre 2012  •  434 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 827 Vues

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I would like to talk about London

London is the capital as well as biggest city of England and the United Kingdom.

Founded more than two thousand (2000) years ago, it became cultural, commercial and financial center of the world.

London has seven million five hundred twelve thousand four hundred (7 512 400) inhabitants.

This city is dynamic and very culturally diverse.

It is an important tourist destination.

It receives twenty seven (27) million tourists a year.

London is also the seat of the government of the United Kingdom situated to the Palace of Westminster

There are numerous symbolic monuments :

Big Ben is the nickname of the big bell of thirteen point five (13.5) tons installed in the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster.

Tower Bridge is a draw bridge on the Thames near the Tower of London.

This mechanism stayed in service until Nineteen seventy-six (1976).

Buckingham palace is the official residence of the British monarchy. It was built for the duke of Buckingham John Sheffield in seventeen hundred and three (1703).

A statue of Queen Victoria is in front of the big main gate.

London will welcome for the third time this year the Summer Olympics which will take place of July until August.

The most popular sport in London is football.

London is one of world capitals of classical music and pop/rock. "The Rolling Stones" was trained in London in nineteen sixty-two (1962).

I never go to London but I would like to go one day there and to do shopping.

Facebook is a social network it was created in two thousand four (2004) by Mark Zuckerberg.

Today, there are more than five hundred (500) millions users on Facebook.

Facebook has become very famous. It attracts à lot of people : Children, teens and adults.

Thanks to Facebook we can share pictures, we can chat with friends, we can post comments, play games free, keep in touch with our friends and our family. We can have access to Facebook from our computer or from mobile phone, we can connect anytime, anywhere.

But, because of Facebook, we can become addicted, it provokes problemes.

- At the school because teens are not concentrated and are on facebook

- With the friends because teens prefer being on Facebook rather than being with friends.

- Some couples got divorced because they are lying or they are not honest. They hide things on Facebook to their spouse.

Couples must stay together and they


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