Étude du document Dreamland, Pismestrovic 2004
Mémoire : Étude du document Dreamland, Pismestrovic 2004. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lolo12301 • 8 Mai 2014 • 519 Mots (3 Pages) • 11 099 Vues
This drawing represents symbolic images of America.
It is dominated by the American flag in the back, also called “the stars and stripes” or the star spangled banner. It counts 13 stripes and 50 stars. The 13 stripes represent the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain and became the first states in the Union ; The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America.
In the back of the image, we can see the Empire State Building. It represents a symbol of powerful because it used to be the highest building in the world. Indeed, it has a roof height of 381 meters.
We also can see the Mount Rushmore. It is located in South Dakota. The faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln belong to the American History. George Washington, often called the father of the nation, was a leader in the American Revolutionary War to win independence from Great Britain and later became the first president of the United States. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Theodore Roosevelt demonstrated strength, sought to improve the country through the Progressive movement, and constructed the Panama Canal. Abraham Lincoln sought to keep the country united during the Civil War and ensured freedom to African American slaves. Mount Rushmore is a memorial which represents freedom and democracy.
Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley represented cultural icons. Indeed, Elvis Presley was a music star, he was considered as one of the main personifications of rock 'n' roll. Marilyn Monroe was considered as an actress symbol of the twentieth century. They both were assimilated at “sex-symbol” in USA because they embody beauty.
The statue of Liberty, which is located in Manhattan, represents the symbol of Franco-American friendship. Indeed, the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States for the centenary of their independence. It symbolizes the American dream; it is the “Liberty enlightening the world”. It was the first the first image that emigrants had when they arrived in America at Ellis Island.
The Cow boy represents the legend of the American who conquers the virgin lands in the West.
American film icon in his cowboy outfit, is standing on the right, pointing his gun to the sky
The Indians were the first inhabitants of North America land. After 1492 European colonized and explored the America.
Mickey Mouse represents the symbol of the beginnings of cinema. Mickey Mouse is undoubtedly the cartoon character best known worldwide. From New York to Hong Kong this mouse became the representative of the Disney Company. It is the symbol of American culture.
Uncle Sam is an imaginary character whose name derived from the initials "U.S". (United States), displayed on exported products. He is an iconic figure, an allegory of the United States.
We can see an Oscar. It refers the Hollywood cinema. Indeed, the Academy Awards ceremony draws more and more attention to Hollywood every year.
Finally, we can see American food: An hamburger , a bottle of Coca Cola, and chips. Those foods are consumed all over the world