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Correction le crane à Antoine

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Par   •  19 Juin 2020  •  Mémoire  •  403 Mots (2 Pages)  •  498 Vues

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In November 2019, I did a one-month internship in Actuariel expertise’s company.

As an intern, I was three days in the company and two days in school per week.

Actuariel is a company with varied skills. She is obviously specialized in accounting and corporate taxation but can also play an assistant role in company law, social law and bills. , The firm can also perform statutory audit.

The company has three institutions in Gironde located in Podensac, La Brède and finally Lormont where I had the chance to do my internship.

In my establishment there were three chartered accountants including my tutor, two accountants, two lawyers and several interns and trainees.

I worked in an office with three other people: a lawyer and two accountants.

As a beginner in acounting, my job was to sort the invoices, scan them and then integrate them into invoicing software.Then I had to check their validity.

On a typical day at work, I started at 8:30 am and finished at 5:30 pm, with a lunch break of 1:30 .

In this profession, I liked the variety of the cases approached, however the missions that I was able to carry out seemed very repetitive.

I learned to use accounting software.  This experience gave me another vision of accounting . Discovering the practical aspect helped me in learning the theoretical concepts.

This document is an article from « The Guardian » published on the 9th of june, in 2016 and entitled « Amazon go checkout-free stores look set to come to UK ».

It deals with new amazon food stores. Normally, Amazon is on online website in which people can buy a lot of differents articles (food, beauty, sports equipement, clothes and even furnitures).

This new concept offers food purchase without any employees.

The article explain that the customers could walk without queuing or paying a at checkpoint because the products will be charged directly to their Amazon account and paid online later.

According to Mister Campling, UK customers are open to new ideas like online shopping.

A bookshop called « Amazon books » already exists in Seattle.

The problem is that this online shopping will be very bad for the physical employees.

To sum up, this « online » store could be a good idea but there is a lot of probleme due to the replacement of people by robots. I think that it’s not a very good idea because it replace the physical contact between humans.


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