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Trawberry mansion Highschool

Fiche : Trawberry mansion Highschool. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Septembre 2019  •  Fiche  •  2 094 Mots (9 Pages)  •  616 Vues

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 trawberry mansion Highschool

Six months ago we heard about Strawberry Mansion Highschool in South Philadelphia. For five straight years it has been considered as one of the most dangerous school in this country. Located in a neighborhood where forty percent of the families live in poverty,the city's highest number of homicides and assault. So we wanted to know who are the four hundred and thirty five students trying to get an education there, a kind of education so many of us take for granted

Six months ago we took our cameras into Strawberry Mansions to look at their days when that schoolbell rings and the security guard offers a prayer of protection.

Il y a 6 mois


5 années consécutives


plus élevé


considérer comme acquis


Where is the Highschool located?

Why is the school special?

How many students are there?

What do security guards do before the bell rings?

Why are there security guards inside the school?

It is morning at Strawberry Mansion High School, so many kids coming to learn and others on a row

This year there has been forty nine serious incidents like the ones we filmed ; one day boys in roughless fight, another day girls attacking each other and there that's the Principal caught in the middle.

Incidents include attacking the teachers, setting fires

Principal:  « Somebody has thought that was cute to start  a fire!Safety is not a joke! »

Principal Linda Wayman was an assistant super intendant in the district before coming to Strawberry Mansion this year

dispute brutale


déclencher un incendie

la sécurité

une blague

How many serious accidents has there been in a year?

Linda Wayman:  « I could not find a principal suitable to handle this all, so therefore  I said to myself because I love the students dearly and I knew the community, I would just volunteer to be the principal. »

In this school security guards watch for razorblades in tin foils knuckles  and vaseline on faces used to make it slippery during fights. Security cameras everywhere:  « how many security cameras? » « ninety four and we need more » trying to protect kids like a small quiet ninth grader named Malaysia

Malaysia:  « It's amazing when I get good grades because I want to get a scholarship. »


se charger de

par conséquent

j'aime tendrement



classe de 3eme



 What did Mrs Wayman decide to do?

What do security guards look for?

Which grade is Malaysia in?

She says she jut want to make her dad proud, but one day after school Malaysia is punched in the face by another girl (…)

She tells me she's bullied a lot

journalist Diane Sawyer:  « Are you scared? »

Malaysia: « Of fighting? »

Journalist: « Of coming to school »

Malaysia: « Yes, because I'm little. »

Little like Razzaq:

journalist: « How do you protect yourself at school? »

Razzaq: « I use my words, I don't try to be big I don't try to be aynthing I just try to be myself. »


frapper au visage

être molesté/ harcelé

être effayé

être petit

What does Malaysia want?


What often happens to her at school?

How does Razzaq protect himself?

He's at the ninth grade and tries to show up at school everyday even though he shoulders a lot of responsibilities at home for his mother and sisters.

Potatoes cooked on the stove near his bed, his clothes are in those plastic bags, his pride :the junior military uniform he carefully lays out on a chair,

journalist; « what are your favorite subjects? »


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