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Tpe anglais philosophie des lumières

Fiche : Tpe anglais philosophie des lumières. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

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Lumière philosophique éclairant le peuple

Comment les idées des philosophes des Lumières ont influencé la politique des usa et amené à leur indépendance ?

Les Lumières est un mouvement intellectuel qui à travers la philosophie, la littérature et la culture manifestent leurs idées. Ils sont apparus dans la deuxième moitié du XVII° siècles avec des philosophes marquant et qui sont toujours connus à nos jours.

Nous allons commencer par la naissance du mouvement en explorant les pères fondateurs et leurs idées qui ont bâti ce mouvement, nous allons par la suite voir l’influence sur l’Amérique.

Le mouvement des Lumières débute avec des philosophes tel que Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot et Montesquieu, il commence en 1715 et se termine avec La révolution française en 1789. Il tient son nom du fait que les philosophes cherchent à éclairer le peuple pour qu’il puisse vivre mieux et fonder une société juste.

The enlightenment

La Fayette: (1 page)

The enlightenment also known as « the age of reason » is the English word for the « Siècle des Lumières ». There is no exact span time about this period but we know that it was during the eighteenth century like in France. This movement led to the American Revolution and the creation of the American Republic. The European hugely inspired the American movement’s.

The movement was bring in America by La Fayette, a French general who help American into the independence war. He play a decisive role alongside the American against the British colonial power particularly during the victory of Yorktown. Due to the rise of the movement in France, La Fayette has succeeded to bring thought of French philosopher: they are based on willingness of liberty, equality and justice.

La Fayette

One of the most popular leader was Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin: (1 page)

Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding father of the United States. He was born in Boston in 1706 and died in 1790. He learned French and was able to speak French commonly.

During his life, he travelled several time in France. While one of his journey, in 1778, he met the king Louis XVI who was the first to recognize the independence of the USA then Franklin became the first signatory of a treaty.

He is considered as the first American ambassador received by a foreign government.

Painting of the battle of Yorktown: (1 page)

This oil on canvas of Louis-Charles Auguste Couder painted in 1836 (eighteen thirty-six) represents the grip of Yorktown. On this painting, we can see in the middle George Washington with, at the left the Marshal Rochambeau and behind Washington, at the right, Squire La Fayette. During the October 17th of 1781 (seventeen eighty-one), the battle of Yorktown started, French and Americans were fighting against British and German company. Patriots were fighting for their independence and French troops were here to help them.

Yorktown is a city in Virginia. The siege fought at this place because Cornwallis, the leader of the British army, decided to stay there with his soldier and built an encampment. Since Washington and his troops had surrounded them, a land battle started but British were blindsided so they decided to capitulate. American and French troops won this decisive battle and later

This siege was the last major land battle of American Revolutionary war.

Declaration of independence:



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