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PPC seats and forms power

Cours : PPC seats and forms power. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Décembre 2019  •  Cours  •  635 Mots (3 Pages)  •  607 Vues

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Today, if you want to go to universities you have to make sacrifices, if you want to study you must take out student loans and those are very expensive so we may wonder if universities are a place for people with money and influence? Are universities a place of power since it’s only reserved to the elite?

In the beginning we’ll see that universities sometimes can be a place for people with power but not only.

To begin the greatest universities such as Oxford or Cambridge coasts a lot of money therefor people have to make sacrifices and take out student loans that may cause them problems like housing problems or a lack of food according to the survey about those problems it turns out that 36% of 400 thousand students eat a little or sometimes not at all, 36% have housing problems, 9 are homeless, and some can’t pay their utilities moreover, according to the interview about oxford and Cambridge, the students who attend to those universities are chosen from the upper class that’s why we can say that their selection is based on the students privileges and their system is not based on the meritocracy. Even if those universities are ones of the best 40% of the high school professors does not recommend those universities we can also speak about the raise of the tuition fees with this raise, a degree will simply become a symbol of money and not work in consequence there will be less diversity and we’ll find the elite studying in the best universities. The degrees that require longer studies will be reserved only to the richest. Due to the tuition fees students are in debts according to an American report. Tuition fees are skyrocketing while the families doesn’t have enough money, the low incomes families will be excluded from universities. In the report, they interviewed a women even after being graduated is still in the red. In the US for the first time debts amount to 1 trillion dollar.

However, the image of these universities is changing according to the interview of Miranda, the image of Cambridge is changing, it’s becoming less traditional there are now more people coming from state schools. She also spoke about Manchester university and said that people go there not for the studies for the good life, the night life so I don’t think it’s a place for the elite. People also go to public universities they are cheaper but it doesn’t mean that they are inexpensive but It’s still easier to get a job with a Cambridge degree according to sarah a Manchester’s student so for people who can not afford to go to elite universities they have other options  like universities that are more democratized and cheaper but student can be prestigious but not powerful and still can go to those elite universities

With all those arguments, we can say that universities are a place of power because not everyone can go to those universities and there are privileges that only the elite have. In my opinion universities are a place for the elite sometimes even the middle class can’t afford to study un the greatest universities. Even if they could afford it, they will live in a horrific way. The most concerned with the raise of the tuition fees aren’t the elite but all the others, they can’t have the degree that they wanted, the degrees that require long studies will be unthinkable, they will be excluded from their universities due to their debts and the fact that they can’t pay it anymore, and if they want to continue studying the have to take a job in order to reduce their debts so for me, I can say with no doubts that universities are a place of power reserved to the elite.


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