Exposé Hamilton Hero
Discours : Exposé Hamilton Hero. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Justine Bérard • 18 Novembre 2018 • Discours • 620 Mots (3 Pages) • 648 Vues
Hero : Alexander Hamilton
Biography :
Alexander Hamilton was born on the 11th of January in 1757 and died on the 12th July in 1804. He was the 1st United States secretary of the treasury and one of the founding fathers. Hamilton was born in Charlestown after multiple moving; Faucette, his mother, and Hamilton came back to their hometown after she inherited the property from her father. Later on she contracted a grave fever and died leaving Alexander orphaned. He and his brother, James jr, were taken by their cousin Peter Lytton but he committed suicide. So Alexander was given to a merchant, Thomas Stevens. As a clerk, he continued to read and developed an interest in writing and then desired to leave the city and the island to see new surroundings. After a hurricane on is city, he wrote a letter describing the devastation caused and the question it can raise. Later on a journalist, Hugh Knox decided to publish his letter in the Royal American Danish Gazette it impressed the community leaders and they collected some funds to send him to North America to begin his education.
At his arriving at New York City, he began to fill the gaps at Elizabethtown academy and came under the influence of a revolutionary and an intellectual and lived with him at Liberty Hall for a bit.
In 1773, he entered King’s college and began studying law, there he made some friends and funded an anonymous literary society. Later, after Samuel Seabury published a pamphlet promoting the loyalist cause and also tried to provoke fear in the colonies, Hamilton decided to write a response anonymously (the farmer refuted, a full vindication of the measures of congress).
A few of his friends a King’s college and him engaged themselves in the army, the militia, to help and express their belief, they wanted a free country without the king of England leading. Later, he began a general and was promoted as Washington’s treasury secretary. After the war ending, he and his companion continued their actions in politics, change the Constitution, and Hamilton became a lawyer. In his politics years he fought harshly with Thomas Jefferson because they didn’t have the same ideas and opinions. After, a disagreement with Aaron Burr they set a gun duel but Hamilton lost and died.
Why is he a hero? :
I want to talk about Hamilton because of his strong beliefs and his involvement in them. After watching a musical comedy about him (Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda) and listened to his story I thought that he was inspiring and courageous. Even when he lived in poverty he kept to read and to develop his hobby. In my opinion a Hero is someone who is able to overcome any obstacle and to defend people no matter what. He has given his life to make other people’s life better; he went to the army to save his country from the British and later he became a lawyer to defend his ideas and the instability that the United-States was facing. He is also a hero because he defended the United States of America and expressed himself in ways that most people didn't dare to do. He wrote about the Constitution, he wrote letters to his wife, and he wrote to defend his title after cheating with Maria Reynolds. He even created the first bank to help citizens grow as one. Hamilton did all those things and many more. After coming from the Caribbean in 1755, Hamilton helped shape his country into what it is today. He created the first bank to help citizens grow as one. Even though he was an immigrant he fought alongside with George Washington for the United States’s freedom