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Dossier anglais monde contemporain

Cours : Dossier anglais monde contemporain. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mars 2021  •  Cours  •  608 Mots (3 Pages)  •  878 Vues

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The United States is often noted as the being the most significant contributor to historical emissions of global warming pollution. Most of these emissions occur when power plants burn coal or natural gas and when vehicles burn gasoline or diesel. 

The western United States is home to some of the nation’s most beautiful land. It’s also home to record-breaking amounts of renewable energy, as well as some of our most progressive climate policies—including carbon pricing and smart transportation choices.

And yet, across the West, signs of our rapidly changing climate become clearer each year. Records show higher temperatures, lower snowpack, drier forests, and rising sea levels. What are the impacts of global warming in the Western United States—and what can we do about them?

As temperatures rise in the Western United States, wildfires are increasing, wildfire season is getting longer, and costs are soaring.

In fact, in California, all of the top five largest fires since 1932 have happened since 2000. Other states have also experienced unusually large and destructive fire

 The first document is the cover of a newspaper called "The Washington Post" dated Monday 3 August 2015.

The title of the article is: "Deadly wildfires in nothern California".

This article highlights the rapid spread of a forest fire which can even cause an entire city to evacuate.

The fire referred to in the paper, on the other hand, spread near a lake in California.

 This incident of course caused damage and cost the life of a firefighter in a northern part of the city.

This press article and this kind of information are essential to be informed of the neighbouring or distant inhabitants, to know the alert level of the situation, ...
The latter could then be linked to the theme number 2 entitled "Representations" which highlights the study axis number 2 "Informing and being informed".
The fact of being informed can first of all help in certain circumstances such as finding a person, helping voluntarily with the article or helping to protect the people concerned by this tragedy.

California is a nest of fires. Its forests are drying out because of the high summer temperatures only make things worse. Let's take the example of August 21, 2020, a forest fire that lasted several days and burned over 400,000 hectares of forest and killed at least six people. At that moment the city was placed in the event of major disasters by former US President Donald Trump.

The second document is a video of a few minutes entitled "Climate change in the 2020's: What impact to expect".  In this video two important points are discussed.

The first important point is what can we expect in the coming decade in relation to climate change? And what are the impacts on Americans?

 The meteorologist and climate specialist Jeff Berardelli explains in this video the many inequalities of our planet but above all the risks that will follow if we do not change our way of doing things.

We know the answer, he says and hopes to reach a goal in 10 years.  

This document could be related to theme number 2 « knowledge, creations,innovations » and can be linked to study area number two : »Science and technology, promises ans challenges ».


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