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Corpus Molière et Racine

Commentaire de texte : Corpus Molière et Racine. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Avril 2018  •  Commentaire de texte  •  349 Mots (2 Pages)  •  688 Vues

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Presentation of my high school

Diapo 1 : Hello . I'm Miss Allister , I'm a headteacher in the camperdown high school and I going to present you my high school .

Diapo 2 : My high school is in the city of Sydney , a city in Australia , and in the district of Camperdown , in the ouest of Sydney .

Diapo 3 : My school motto is «  the school of the future for better see the future » .

My high school is the most modern high school of the world and we are fighting for ecology .

We teach our students the respect of the nature and preserve it .

Diapo 4 : In the camperdown high school we have a special subject or a options that studient choose :

The ISEM : Initiation into the search for ecological means

In this subject , the student learn and discovers through activities and project the ecological means for the future

The RFA : Research in futuristic architecture

This option allows students to draw and imagine the architecture of tomorrow .

The DREF : development of renewable energies for the future .

In this class, we are thinking with studients about the renewable energies for tomorrow

Diapo 5 : This is the plan of my high school ,we have 5 different buildings :

the main building : In this building we can find the principaly subject : English, French , Mathematic , Science , History , Geography.

The amphitheater where we can find all of the activities and events of the high school

Here , is the GreenHouses ; in this property , we teach a biologie , ecology , and many options.

The options buidings ,where options are teach scatter differents buidings .

The self , where studients eat .

Diapo 6 : In my high school ,students are required to wear uniforms :

For the boys , a white shirt with a black jean and for the girl ,a white polo shirt and a black jean .

Diapo 7 : The main rules of the camperdown high school are :

The uniforms are requiered

The phone are authorized


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