BIOL368 Project 2 Grading Scheme
Rapport de stage : BIOL368 Project 2 Grading Scheme. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar masha888 • 20 Janvier 2019 • Rapport de stage • 539 Mots (3 Pages) • 724 Vues
BIOL368 Project 2 Grading Scheme
Introduction (15 points)
- ● Summarize relevant background.
- ● State the purpose and objectives of the project.
Materials and method (5 points)
- ● Refer to the BIOL368 lab manual. Follow the formant shown in the BIOL368 Guideline for Lab Reports.
- ● Describe any modification of the protocol if there is any.
- ● Should include description of your contamination experiments (Part D).
Figures and Tables (37 points)
Part A. Colony isolation.
● Attach the Week 2 part II data sheet. Describe your plate, including colony description.
Part B. Viable count. & Part C. Bacterial count by optical density.
If you suspect outlier data, include the outlier test in the result section.
Optical density
● PresentOD600readingandthecalculatedcelldensity(cells/ml).Calculatetheaveragevalueofyour group using your data and your partner’s data.
● Calculatethecelldensity(cells/ml)forallclassdata(datafromeverysinglegroupintheclass).Use Excel for your calculation. Present the raw data as well as the result of calculation. Data from different sections should be in different columns. (Use ‘transpose’ under ‘paste’ menu.)
● Usingthecelldensitydata,calculatethemean(average)andstandarddeviationforeachsectionand for entire class, and present them in a table (or incorporate them into the table above). In addition, create a bar graph showing four bars (three section averages and the class average) with corresponding standard deviation. Note: the bar graphs should be vertical in most cases. In Excel, vertical bar graphs are found under ‘column’ chart not under ‘bar’ chart (yes, confusing!).
Viable count
● Presentviablecountrawgroupdataasatable.Youshouldindicatewhichdata(10-6or10-7orboth) you used for viable count calculation by putting underline to the number. Then, calculate the viable count (cfu/ml). Provide the calculation.
● Calculatetheviablecount(cfu/ml)forallclassdata(datafromeverysinglegroupintheclass).Use Excel for your calculation. Present the raw data as well as viable count data. For each group data, underline the raw data used for viable count calculation. This could be one large table or two separate tables. Data from different sections should be in different columns. (Use ‘transpose’ under ‘paste’ menu.)
[pic 1][pic 2]
● Using the viable count data, calculate the mean (average) and standard deviation for each section and for entire class, and present them in a table (or incorporate them into the table above) and as a bar graph. The bar graph should contain four bars (three section averages and the class average) with corresponding standard deviation.
Part D. Ubiquity of microorganism
● Attach the Week 2 part II data sheet showing the drawing and description of colonies on your plates. The datasheet should have your TA’s signature.
Results and Discussion (38 points) 1000 words or less
- ∙ Follow BIOL368 Guideline for Lab Reports.
- ∙ You should compare your viable count data (cfu/ml) with the cell density data (cells/ml). Are the
both values consistent? If not, provide possible explanations. How does the OD600 data variation compare with the viable count data variation? Are they similar? If there are differences, provide possible explanations.
- ∙ Clearly, you’ll need to look into other literatures, when discussing contamination experiment. References (5 points)
- ∙ Use at least three references. One should be the lab manual. Add at least two more reference coming from outside of the class material (something that shows that you conducted research to interpret your results.).
- ∙ Follow BIOL368 Guideline for Lab Reports for format.
[pic 3][pic 4]