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Dissertation : Dear. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Janvier 2016  •  Dissertation  •  457 Mots (2 Pages)  •  775 Vues

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Dear Prime Minister,

I’m sure you must have read thousands of letters similar to mine,but I do urge you, as you too were once an ordinary citizen just like me,to read me to the end. I’m not saying my letter is more important than others ,but I assure you it is worth reading.As you must know and as so many people must have been telling you and complaning about,the world has unfortunately become a surveillance society.

First of all,I’m going to try as much as I can to save you from all the cliché types of complains,knowing that you’ve been through them all but we cannot deny the ubiquity of CCTV cameras everywhere . It is understood that you are trying to keep your country’s citizens safe. But safety is one thing, and invasion of privacy is another. The government monitoring every move we make is inacceptable. Prying into people’s live is not a way to cut down on crime and antisocial behavior. If you cannot understand what im trying to say, imagine yourself living in an appartment filled with surveillance cameras in every corner. How would you react ? what would you say ? Wouldn’t you feel an opressive atmosphere around you ? Your answer is surely yes.

Not only are infinging upon everyone ‘s life whenever they may be, indoors or outdoors. The governement is as well spying on us through social networks. People are a risk, they may lose their jobs because of what they post about their jobs because of what they post about their private lives on social media, how is that even fair ? The united states, a country that is supposed to encourage all its people to express themselves freely, is using that freedom of expression against them.

To top it all the united states exerts this surveillance system not only on its own country,but people all around the world must suffer from this lack of freedom.Why ? because it is a known fact, that who detains power,holds control over anyone. Indeed, the NSA spies on its own allies which is not something you’d expect from a nation as « respected » as the United States which acts and takes decisions as if they were for greater good but are actually for their own benefit.

You are part of a goverment that is drowning in corruption, Mr Prime minister, so I advise you and ask you sincerely to take action and put an end to this poor excuse of democracy.

On behalf of all the citizens that still believe in the freedom and the true meaning of Hope’s Land !

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter and takin git into consideration.

Dalia Reda Atallah & Lea Karim Akar.


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