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Code Simpson pour calculer une diffraction

Guide pratique : Code Simpson pour calculer une diffraction. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Janvier 2023  •  Guide pratique  •  1 524 Mots (7 Pages)  •  483 Vues

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% op_rs_point_source_xy.m

% Circular apertures - irradiance in XY observation plane

% POINT SOURCE illumination of aperture

% Numerical integration of the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction integral of

% the first kind - Simpson's 1/3 rule

% Integration performed by dividing the aperture into rings

% with increasing data points as radius increases

% S.I. units used unless otherwise stated

% SYMBOLS: irradiance = intensity = energy density u [W.m^-2]

% energy aperture --> observation screen U [W or J/s]

% Calculation of energy enclosed in circles

% Uses functions

% simpson1d.m fn_distancePQ.m

% 20 nov 2014

% Ian Cooper School of Physics University of Sydney




% =======================================================================


% =======================================================================

n1 = 60; % Aperture: grid points for inner ring

n2 = 120; % Aperture: grid points for outer ring

nR = 101; % Aperture: number of rings must be ODD

nP = 121; % Screen (Observation plane XY): must be odd

wL = 632.8e-9; % wavelength [m]

a = 10*wL; % radius of circular aperture [m]

% Source

xS = 0*wL; yS = 0*wL;

zS = -50*wL;

%zS = -1;

ES = 1;

% Observation Space [m]

yPmin = -55*wL;

yPmax = 55*wL;

xPmin = -55*wL;

xPmax = 55*wL;

zP = 100 * wL;

% % Default values

% n1 = 60; % Aperture: grid points for inner ring

% n2 = 120; % Aperture: grid points for outer ring

% nR = 101; % Aperture: number of rings must be ODD

% nP = 121; % Screen (Observation plane XY): must be odd

% wL = 632.8e-9; % wavelength [m]

% a = 10*wL; % radius of circular aperture [m]


% % Source

% xS = 0*wL; yS = 0*wL;

% zS = -50*wL;

% %zS = -1;

% ES = 1;


% % Observation Space [m]

% yPmin = -55*wL;

% yPmax = 55*wL;

% xPmin = -55*wL;

% xPmax = 55*wL;

% zP = 100 * wL;

% ========================================================================


% ========================================================================

cL = 2.99792458e8; % speed of light

eps0 = 8.854187e-12; % permittivity of free space

nRI = 1; % refractive index

k = 2*pi/wL; % propagation constant [rad/s]

ik = 1i*k; % j k

d_RL = 4*a^2/wL; % Rayleigh distance

% Aperture Space -------------------------------------------------------

zQ = 0;

A = zeros(nR,1); % intgeral for each ring in aperture space

n = zeros(nR,1); % number of points for ring in aperture space

% Ring structure

% radius of ring r [m] no. of data points around a ring n

% Greater the circumference of a ring --> more grid points

% Width of each ring dr

% Total no. grid points for Aperture nQ

rMax = a;

rMin = eps;

r = linspace(rMin, rMax, nR);

dr = r(2)-r(1);

m = (n2-n1) / (nR-1);

b = n2 - m * nR;

for c = 1 : nR

n(c) = 2*round(0.5*(m * c + b))+1;


nQ = sum(n);

% Observation Space -----------------------------------------------------

yP = linspace(yPmin,yPmax,nP);

dyP = yP(2)-yP(1);


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