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Les agrégats

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Par   •  13 Mars 2019  •  Cours  •  2 316 Mots (10 Pages)  •  507 Vues

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uman Resource Management can be described as "The comprehensive set of managerial activities and tasks concerned with developing and maintaining qualified human resources in ways that contribute to organizational effectiveness. This assignment explores changes in human resource management thoughts from the evolution era to present age. The assignment involved of the description of the key periods and improvements in this field. In addition, when we study HRM history we identify many stages that show many development and shifts in thinking that have conspired to bring about the evolution of the HRM. In this synthesis I will try to analyze deeply this type of management according to two parts. Firstly, I will describe the evolutionary and chronological perspective on the development of Strategic human resource management, secondly I am going to show the competitive advantage , which can offers HRM in being source of creating value in the organization. So I will find responses to axial problematic, which is principally: What is the evolutionary perspective on the development of SHRM? And what is its main role in creating value and firm’s competitive advantage?

Like I précised previously, the first part of this synthesis will be allocated to the evolutionary perspective on development of strategic HRM, depending on seven themes; in which one has his influence on it, but firstly I want to signal that we distinguish 3 major subfields of HRM: microHRM (MHRM) which covers the subfunctions of HR policy and practice and consists of two main categories: one with managing individuals and small groups (e.g., recruitment, selection, induction, training and development, performance management, and remuneration) and the other with managing work organization and employee voice systems (including union-management relations; strategic HRM (SHRM), and finally, International HRM (IHRM) which covers HRM in companies operating across national boundaries. So, in this part I will focal on the second subfield: SHRM. In fact, this concept were described and discussed by labor economists and industrial relations scholars whose divided the SHRM literature into seven themes which had significant influence on the development of the field. The first theme, explaining contingency perspectives and fit, refers to the connection between HR policies and practices to various elements of strategy, meaning that the choice of a particular set of HR practices is dependent on an organization's strategy. This theme also identifies that for human resources to affect strategy there needs to be a fit between an organization’s business strategy and its HR strategy, and not forgetting to incorporate both external (aligning a firm's HR practices with its strategy) and internal(aligning a firm's HR practices with one another) components of fit. After this primary reflection, scholars identified subsequently the important components (external and internal) of organizational environments which can affect the HR systems of organization. They though also that including two important components: human capital advantage and organizational processes advantage will improve the SHRM.  In the second theme, shifting from a focus on managing people to creating strategic contributions, we talk about creating strategies contributions instead of focusing on the management of men. In other words, we realized the importance of human capital and its impact on organizational performance and therefore the productivity of the company. For this purpose, companies are focusing more and more on skills implementing strategies to acquire, use, retention and movement of HR to increase their effectiveness and strategic contributions of this comes the following definition of SHRM which consists in "the design and deployment planned HR, activities to achieve the objectives outlined by the company. ". Concerning the third theme, we talked about the development of an HR system components and structure, so to examine the inner workings of an HR system, studies were conducted to identify the structure and components which include: philosophy, policies, programs, practices and processes. HR practices include customary behavior while HR processes identify how activities are formulated and implemented. Work established in the 90s had the goal of making HRM more comprehensive and shared between the parent company and its subsidiaries, which requires a mode networking and coordination. During these years the term HR architecture has become widely accepted as a way of describing multiple HR systems within a single organization. The theoretical basis of the HR architecture was extended by providing specific leadership styles: contracted based on the use of the alliance / partnership, and knowledge-based. For the fourth theme, expanding the scope of SHRM, It discusses about the relationship between HR function and competitive advantage, including SHRM in an internal context and outside the focal organization. Remaining always in the expansion and extension of the field (SHRM), we also speak of an International Strategic Management of Human Resources; this concept was developed by several researchers based on components and strategic processes multinational. The fifth theme refers to achieving HR implementation and execution, and here we talked about the implementation of the HR strategy is not always obvious in any business, because it will be applied to individuals who are characterized by the control problem, in fact , there are often a difference between a desired HR strategy and HR strategy performed, because the second includes all HR activities effectively within the organization, which may or may not be consistent and response with appropriate HR strategy and articulated to cope with this difference that could possibly exist between the two strategies, researchers thought the implementation of strategic maps of causes that can bind and adjust behavior employees and HR practices of an organization's strategy and desired articulated. One of the important concerns in companies and firms is measuring SHRM activities which are the object of the sixth theme, measuring outcomes of SHRM, so according to the article measuring results is based on SHRM markets to have a vision about the performance of the company and its SHRM, And through the PIM (Performance Information Markets), which is an information system to measure performance and the performance of the company and its Strategic Management of Human Resources focusing on four types of markets: financial market, consumer market, labor market and social market policy . A general observation has been reached is that when HRM is more flexible and consistent with the competitive strategy of the company, it will have positive effects on performance, however, is more oriented toward when the control performance will be less correct. And for the last theme, evaluating methodological issues, we can synthesize saying that  the SHRM has identified some problems mainly related to the relationship between HR systems and organizational performance and to errors in the measurements of performance and reliability, as well as others general issues of time (lag between the dates of the practical implementation of HR and the time when results have been completed), causality (that HR practices affect organizational performance and screw-to-it) and the fact that individuals who perform these HR practices  are conditioned by their strong human quality which make it difficult to be controlled. Each of these themes explicated above played a significant role in the evolution of the field.


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