English homework
Commentaire de texte : English homework. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar beeone974 • 22 Juin 2018 • Commentaire de texte • 382 Mots (2 Pages) • 10 918 Vues
Document A
1- a) The scene take a place In New york, in the United States.
b) At the line 1 "In the chic SoHo" and at the line 18 "She had a friend from Columbia".
2- The main character is a women who is called Samantha, she is 29 years old, she work at in a office.
3- a) It's True because we see can at the line 5-6 "(...) she had just been freed from a job she despised".
b) It's False because we see can at the line 9-10 "The FirmFone, a monstrous little gadget that had been glued to her body".
c) It's False because we see can at the line 13-14 "she was earning $180,000 a year in base salary, plus a nice bonus".
4- The main character thinks about two friends. The first one used go to the same university, sutdying law, and had recently been promoted to partner junior at S&P. Over a period of thirteen months, the second one had had a total change of lifestyle . After being a successful associate editor, he had a nervous breakdown and left his job. he is currently a ski instructor.
Document B
5- The scene set at Scotland in the city of south-east in Edinburgh, we are seeing it at line 2 "How did the big win affect one Scotland's youngest lottery millionaires?" and at line 5 "... and was living with her mother in a two-bedroom flat in south-east Edinburgh. In the Uk ("one the Uk's youngest-ever lottery-winner" at line 16.
6- The main character is Jane Park, she is 17 years old and works temporary in a association charity.
7- a) tittle "...I won...": Jane Park
b) Line 4: "...her boyfriend...": Jane Park
c) line 7: "It's not exactly Beverly Hills": Niddrie concil estate
d) line 23: "...she says.": Granny Anne
e) line 32: "...she's being...": Jane Park
8- Granny Anne says that lower-class people like Jane's family, who live in social housing, usually do not earn a million pounds, it's really amazing. It is actually so exceptional that it seems dangerous to her and she compares winning the lottery to a gun.