Zoo ou l'assassin philonthrope
Fiche de lecture : Zoo ou l'assassin philonthrope. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar jeanpierredu12 • 10 Mai 2021 • Fiche de lecture • 416 Mots (2 Pages) • 684 Vues
The Statue of Liberty is a neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, within New York City, United States. The statue commemorates the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence, representing the friendship between France and the United States established during the American Revolution. It was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and its metal structure was built by Gustave Eiffel. The statue was dedicated on October 28, 1886. The monument is located on Ellis Island, near New York Harbor. Construction of the statue began in Paris in 1875 and was not completed until 1884. Crews worked for nine years to finish the Statue of Liberty. Various parts of the statue were on display throughout Paris as they were completed. When it was completed in 1885, the statue was divided into 350 pieces that were packed in 214 crates and then shipped to New York City. It took 4 months just to put the Statue of Liberty back together. It depicts a woman wearing a stola, a crown and sandals, stepping on a broken chain, and with a torch in her right hand and a tablet having written the date of the Declaration of Independence MDCCLXXVI (1776) of JULY IV, in her left hand. The statue is located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor and welcomes returning visitors, immigrants, Americans traveling by boat and represents the symbol of a new life for immigrants. At first the Statue of Liberty was used as a lighthouse for ships, but now it is more of an international monument that pushes tourists to see it. The statue is made with a pure copper cover, left at the time in a natural blue-green patina. It has a steel structure that exemplifies the flame of the torm, which is covered with gold leaf (originally made of copper and later altered to hold the glass). It is located on a rectangular stone pedestal. The foundation is an old star fort in the shape of an irregular eleven-pointed star. The statue is 46 m high, but with the pedestal and foundation, it is 93 m high. The Statue of Liberty is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is also recognized as a New York City landmark, and is listed on New Jersey's Register of Historic Places. According to the UNESCO list, it is considered culturally valuable as it depicts the "masterpiece of the human spirit". It is also a powerful symbol of freedom, peace and human rights.