Définition locavore
Étude de cas : Définition locavore. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar nature2000 • 14 Mai 2019 • Étude de cas • 534 Mots (3 Pages) • 571 Vues
Définition locavore
First, the wild card locavore diet is the movement's most accessible. Sustainable agriculture encourages using renewable resources to increase farming profitability and improve environmental and socioeconomic health. It's a key aspect of the local food movement. You'll notice that the word locavore sounds similar to carnivore or herbivore. Just as carnivores eat meat and herbivores eat plants, locavores only eat foods that have been grown locally. While it's difficult to get a sense of how many people across the country are trying to become locavores, the idea is gaining mainstream attention. But not all locavores follow the rules in the same way. There are three general types of locavores: ultrastrict, Marco Polo rule, and wild card. The Californians local challenge introduced the ideas of eating within a small foodshed and supporting sustainable agriculture to a wider audience.
Comment devenir locavore
You may already be more or less locavore without being aware of it? Or maybe you are not, because you do not see the point? The good reasons are however multiple, that is for the health, the ecology or for the economy, even the savings! Yes, consuming local products offers several benefits:
1 - You are closer to the producer (s):you know where your products come from you benefit from the advice of the person who knows best what he sellsyou have access to organic products or from reasoned and non-intensive cultivation
2 - You can save money:you save the cost of transport, sometimes exorbitant when importing products from the other side of the globeyou can buy in bulk, in quantity desiredwithout expensive packaging
3 - You participate at your level in a collective ecological effort:The avoided transports limit pollutionPackaging you do not need is a waste of resources
Avantages d’être locavore
The mode of feeding locavores has undeniable advantages. First, we have a safer look at the conditions of production. Proximity makes it possible to check the veracity of certain claims on the packaging or on the signs of the stalls. Then there is a respect for the seasonality of foods, which are therefore better provided with vitamins and minerals (micronutrients). A plant picked at maturity, which has grown naturally, and which has not been subjected to industrial processes of conservation, is nutritionally richer. It also forces us to consume more fresh, unprocessed, industrial products: benefits for weight and health. Without forgetting the respect of the environment because the transports are less solicited. Some people become locavores because they want to support their local farmers and economy. People also become locavores for health reasons or simply because they believe that local foods taste better. Many locavores find that their diet helps them learn new things about the food they eat and the community where they live. Produce that is considered local is usually sold within 24 hours of being harvested. La réduction de la distance de transport entre les sites de production et de consommation réduit les emballages de produits.
Inconvénient d’être locavore
However, the main disadvantage of the movement is that the locavore can consume only locally produced food: fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, cereals ... It can according to the season, the climatic hazards, the geographical zone, to have a very monotonous diet.