Commentaire space X
Analyse sectorielle : Commentaire space X. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Guillaume TISSIER • 27 Avril 2021 • Analyse sectorielle • 1 093 Mots (5 Pages) • 509 Vues
Introduction :
Year after year, SpaceX becomes more and more popular. In 2020, it became the first private company to send humans to the International Space Station. This picture is a drawing. It was published in 2020 by Dave Granlund on his web site
-picture description:
First in the foreground, to the right of the picture, is an astronaut. He can be recognized by his characteristic space suit. The astronaut is holding a newspaper in his hands, which reads: "NEWS: SpaceX lunar mission will carry tourists". He addresses the reader directly, saying: "Remember when being an astronaut meant something?”. You can read on his face that he is shocked. You can read "APPOLO" and "NASA" on his suit. Furthermore, the astronaut is wearing a headset with a microphone, so we can assume that he is a former Apollo astronaut. There is also a strong similarity with Buzz Aldrin...
Secondly, in the background, to the left of the picture, we see two ordinary people, a man and then a woman to his left. They are wearing classic clothes. They look rather naive. Each of them is holding a ticket in his hand with the words "Round Trip" written on it. They also wear helmets very similar to astronaut's helmet.
We can ask ourselves: How did SpaceX become so influential and powerful; how far can they go?
Annonce de plan: First I will analyze the picture, then I will introduce SpaceX’s marketing strategy and finally I will move onto SpaceX’s ambition.
I/Analyse the picture
The two figures in the background are in fact two tourists ready to embark on a journey to the moon. However, given their outfits, they do not look ready for a trip to space. Indeed, astronauts undergo long months of testing and training. Here we are dealing with two people who do not have a particularly sporty body. They both give the impression of arriving unexpectedly.
The astronaut in the drawing represents an old vision of space; at a time when men who went into space were real heroes, almost as in mythology. They were considered by the public as superstars.
One of the objectives of SpaceX is to democratize access to space. That said, this transition is not over, and space travel is still far from being considered commonplace.
II/SpaceX’s marketing strategy
To begin with, the marketing strategy of SpaceX aims essentially to promote the daring of the company and its creator. The action plan deployed also aims to stand out from traditional space agencies.
The first asset of SpaceX's marketing strategy is its communication. Under the impulse of their charismatic director, the company's communication is intended to be limpid. The objective is to be understood by all, whatever the knowledge background. Dusting off the old elitist communication models of classical space agencies, SpaceX innovates by proposing a popularized communication. Within the company itself, Elon Musk would have limited to the strict minimum the use of acronyms in professional communication! Moreover, like its director who uses Twitter as his main communication tool, SpaceX wants to establish a direct communication, without intermediary with people.
Another important point of the company's marketing strategy is related to failure management.