What I learned
Compte rendu : What I learned. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar elody077 • 1 Avril 2021 • Compte rendu • 267 Mots (2 Pages) • 485 Vues
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Three years ago, I could not properly do an oral presentation with a nice slideshow, I had just learned the basics skills to make a really simple slideshow for some oral presentation.
Since then I have:
- Learned how to create a beautiful slideshow thanks to some platform which help to create some.
- Learned what are the elements that we have to incorporate in the slideshow like our name, the logo of our institution, the date, the topic, the pagination (all of this is named « the mask »), and incorporate an original progression bar to informed where we are in the presentation chronologically, to the public.
- Understood how to speak and keep the public interested, for exemple: talk to it, ask questions and give it an importance.
- Known the expert position, the fact that we have to expose a figure of an expert, act like we really know our subject (because we really know our subject, of course but we have to show it)
- Done some oral presentation with my class and I have got feed back to know if I did learn well how to do a good oral presentation.
Now I am able to do a pleasant oral with a good visual for a lot of different subjects.
This has allowed me to do good presentations, it will be really useful now and in the future. Because we have to do oral presentation really often nowadays. For our studies, our jobs, and know how to express myself is really important if I want to be understand. Moreover it has helped me to be more confortable in oral expression.
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