Vocabulaire detective stories
Fiche : Vocabulaire detective stories. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lol1856 • 6 Mai 2019 • Fiche • 5 980 Mots (24 Pages) • 1 991 Vues
whodunnits = thrillers to break the law= enfreindre la loi to enforce the law = force people to respect the law to charge with= to be accused of to poison with drugs to stab ( with a knife/a digger) = poignarder to strangle ( with a scarf rope) = étrangler to be judge in a law court to rob somoeone / to steal something to shoot dead ( with a gun) = abattre theft = vol / thief = voleur witness= témoin investigation/case/ inquiry = une affaire clues/ evidence/proofs = indices testimony= témoignage murder = when you kill someone / murderer= person who kills accomplice= person who helps the criminal to commit a crime corpse = dead body culprit= person who is guilty blood = red liquid flowing into your veins jail = prison investigator= detective whether it’s day or night/ wheter you like it or not/ wheter you want it or not to be hurt = to be injured occur= happen casualties= victims « better safe than sorry » panick- stricken/ scared/frightened/terrified/ « freaked out » a valuable house / is worth unfolds= takes place rich = healthy= affluent insane= crazy= « out of her mind » the accountant = un comptable « far- fetched » = tiré par les cheveux a crook = un escroc a money-oriented/money’s sake = for the sake of= for the of heartless= cruel neither…nor/ either… or/ did’nt either tedious = stupid and boring = pénible to embody = incarner / stands for = symbolize gloomy = macabre to draw conclusion = to make conclusion sheds light on = insist on a double- face character = to have a double- personality inconsistencies = to be inconsistent = être incohérent a butler= un majordome to be rush = être pressé / to rush = se précipiter suivre une piste = to follow a lead mener qqn sur la mauvaise piste = to throw someone off the track être à la une d’un magazine = to be under investigation enquête sur une affaire = to investigate a case un bocal = a jar un gant = a glove un coton tige = a cotton swab un tube à essai = a test tube une cellule = a cell un crâne = a skull un médecin légiste = a forensic scientist = a medical examiner person who is walking past ( un passant) = a passer(s)-by un spectateur/ témoin = a bystander= an onlooker il est liberé = he is released careful = cautious wanted = tracked down awful = deadful= appaling [pic 1]