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Trials and Triumphs of Poetry

Discours : Trials and Triumphs of Poetry. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Septembre 2019  •  Discours  •  732 Mots (3 Pages)  •  591 Vues

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Trials and Triumphs of Poetry

Most people in our class listen to music everyday, yet the idea of creating poems seemed difficult. Creating poetry was an idea that wasn’t appealing because while most of us listen to music and hear the lyrics flowing together easily, making a poem is not as easy as it sounds. Making a poem takes a lot of thought, time and concentration. When we hear songs the lyrics are well thought out and they all coordinate with each other which takes a lot of time and thought to do, that’s the hard part of making a poem, having everything make sense and coordinate with each other. However creating a poem response and slam poetry was somewhat easy to do.

For a start, the poem response was good because it respected what the assignment asked. The response was to be based on the poem that was chosen to be analysed, which it was, they both had the same topic but differed in meaning. The poem that was analysed, “Alive” spoke about using running as an escape and the response, “Running Shoes” spoke about passion for running. The response was also to be 25 or more lines which it was and both poems had to have the same format and style, which they did, the poem analysed was a free verse poem and the response was also a free verse poem. Those are the reasons why I think the poem response was good.

Also, the slam poetry was good because it was a topic that applies to almost everyone and that almost everyone can relate to, which helped the comprehension of the poem. The poem also respected what was required, the tempo of the poem varied numerous times, for stanzas that wanted to be emphasized they were presented in a slower manner so that it could be properly understood. For the stanzas that wanted to be impactful they were faster than other parts of the poem, so in a manner where the audience is hit with information after information to the point where it is almost difficult to comprehend what is being said. The poem was as well presented with confidence, there was no hesitation presented and the poem was performed strongly. The choice of words used in the poem helped the image of the poem and the comprehension as well, the words used suited the subject well and added the details needed.Those are the reasons why I think the slam poem was good.

In sum, there are still many things that could’ve been improved. Both poems could’ve contained more literary devices to help detail the story and message that wanted to be presented. The slam poem could’ve incorporated different emotions throughout the performance, the use of the one emotion, regret, could’ve been enhanced if there were more emotions used and it might’ve of also helped other people relate to what was being told. The choice of words also in some cases were a bit awkward and that could’ve been avoided if the poem had been thoroughly planned. That’s why I think that there were many things the poem could have improved.

Finally, creating these poems were somewhat easy, relaxing and mostly well done but could’ve been improved. The slam poem was good because it was based on a topic that almost everyone could relate to and applied to almost everyone. It was also good because it respected what was asked in the assignment. The poem response was good because it also respected what the assignment asked, it was related to the poem that was


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