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Commentaire de texte : TECH LESS WORD. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Novembre 2016  •  Commentaire de texte  •  1 121 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 600 Vues

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Tech-less world

As Carl Sagan says, our society is dependent on constant progress due to science and technology, and the Internet has changed our lives radically. In fact this system permits a global connexion with the entire world with computers and now smartphones. This innovation gave us endless possibilities, control, power, knowledge, inspiration and make us completly forget about our lives without it.

"How can we live without technology ? "

We will try to answer this question, first by studying the addictive aspect of technologies with Students Unplug an article by Molly Hottle, then two sides of the power that gave us this system with an article by Christopher Williams, " Anonymous attacks FBI website over Megaupload raids " and to finish the aspect of chaos with an extract of dies the fire by S.M Stirling.

To start with we have to admit that year after year, technologies have taken us more and more of our capacities, It's started by factories using robots all guided by computers insted of keeping humans who were too expensive, housewives running after the last food processor and today teenagers meeting each others just in front of a camera. How many days can we stay away from technologies ?

Students at Portland's Lincoln High school may have answers. 53 students experienced a four days fasting of technologies after their English teacher asked them not to use any of them including Tv, PC's, and cell phones.And in evey experiment we found positive and negative aspects, Amanda felt like she was missing something and it was making her anxious when Elise Cramer admited that teenagers needed people reach to them and without technologies, Internet, they were feeling lonely, she was the first to break it when she checked her mails for assigments, Robert kept contact with his parents via cell phone and then he completly failed by watching an episode of his favorite serie. Even the teacher couldn't resist and made a call to order chinese food. Lots of them had issues with this situation, they shortened the experiment and came back to their "normal" lives

They all had their eyes opened on the impact of technologies on their everyday lives, making them impatient about their social application notifications, they understood that they didn't need technologies, Cramer found it liberating because they had to find other activities and get out of their bubbles.

This article showed how much our lives depend on technologies, even if students found it a good experiment to understand that we use technologies but with limits and some of them even shut off their facebook and myspace accounts, they struggled.. Living without technologies for less than a week seems to be a real battle. Technology battle, something that the FBI had to deal with.

The Internet gave us power to watch movies, series and listen to every type of music without even buying it, today you can listen to the last album of your favorite band before it is even released. Artists suffer from this open world and users too. Megaupload was a compagny, more knew as a website gathering more than 50 million


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