Synthèse anglais Mythe et Héros
Commentaire de texte : Synthèse anglais Mythe et Héros. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Ludivine Asnard • 30 Mai 2019 • Commentaire de texte • 595 Mots (3 Pages) • 566 Vues
During the shcool year we focused on a chapter entitled « The USA : still an American dream ? ». By studying the concepts of the american dreams through the exprerience of immigration, it illustrates the notion « MYTHS AND HEROES » which i would like to define first : a myth is a story with a great symbolic power, It can be true or not and a heroes it is a person who is admired for his oustanding courage or actions.
We will show this chapter is associated with the notion of MYTHS AND HEROES as it raises the following question : « Has everybody the same vision of the American Dream ? What are the characteristics and limits of the American Dream ? Does is still exist ?
FIRST, I will explain what’s the Melting Pot and give some positives experiences of immigration BEFORE concentrating on the limits to the American Dream. Then I will talk about the new challenge of the USA.
The firts document studied it’s an article entitled « American Melting pot or tossed salad », the author presents melting pot : It’s people from countries all over the world come together here to form one nation where we are all Americans. This metaphor implies that during that process, our diverse backgrounds, cultures, and religions melt away as we form a homogeneous American stew. This concept which helped build the myth of the Am. Dream.
In a second document, we studied a speech of Barack Obama when he was president, where he said « Everybody can make it here in America ». In fact, he believes in the American dream, in the concept of the melting pot and for him différents origins do not matter in America.
For exemple, the case of Ali Safi : an Iranian who immigratres to the USA and he makes his fortune in fast food by creating SUBWAY who is today spread in the whole world.
However, trhought other document we will see there is limits to the American Dream.
By contrast to B.Obama, Donal Trump suggests to build a wall at the mexican frontier to prevent illegal mexican people to enter the USA because he suggests they are rapists, and he regards as dangerous. For him « The American Dream is dead. »
Lastly, we studied Elis Island who is a special entry for immigrants to regulate their entry into the US continent. That is, some people are refused and returned to they mothercountry. Thus, it illustrates a certain limit of the american dream, this one not being accessible to all.
This American Dream has evolved throughout the years .. Now, the USA have to face a new challenge and to cope with the new concept of « tossed salad ».
Throughout the first document who is a website article entitled « America : Melting Pot or Tossed Salad » the author presents tossed salad : this means that components of our racial, religious and cultural heritage remin intact, we identify with our groups outside of being just plain american. ( Mexican-American, African-American..)
The autour thinks it is time to accept and tolerate the immigrants specific