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Synthèse LV2 anglais myths et heroes

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Par   •  1 Mai 2019  •  Fiche  •  538 Mots (3 Pages)  •  614 Vues

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Synthèse mythe et héro

I am going to deal with the notion  Myths and Heroes. A myth is usually a popular belief or story that explains natural or social phenomenon and which often involves fabulous being or events. Every culture has its own myths. A hero is a person who is admired for his achievements, his example qualities when they fight for values and they are symbols for a lot of people.

To explain this notion, i'm going to use 2 documents, the first document is « video tribute to Nelson Mandela » by economist and the second document is the speech « We shall overcome » by Martin Luther King.

To what extent have ordinary person's been able to make the world a better place ?

I . First we going to see what actions these persones have made to become heroes of the society and symbolics poeples.

II . And then we are going to see that these actions were the begenning of myths and historical events that have impacked everyone

I                . these two documents shows us that martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela are heroes.

Indeed martin luther king was the leader in the civil rights movement until his assassination in 1968; in his speech Martin Luther King encourages african-american poeples who struggles against the their civils rights and the segregation in US and he tells that they overcome this ordeal.

Then is the same fight for Nelson Mandela in south africa, in the video we can see some overview of  fights againt the racial segregation and give unique perspectives on the defining moments in the life of one of the most important figures of the 20th century.

The two documents shows that martin luther king and nelson mandela want to remove justice in their country, indeed blacks poeples are put in jail by the justice because they are black. So both characters are heroes because they risk their lifes to help the black population.

Also nelson mandela put in jail because he fought against the racism and the discrimination, and Matin Luther King was assassinated. That shows that their struggles has cost their lifes.

II                now the speech by mlk and the video tribute about nelson mandela permit to show how they become a myth for the black population and for all the world.

In his speech mlk is adresses to all generation and directly to the children in the end of the speech and it permitted the evolution of the integration of blacks poeple.

Then in the video we can see that south african's poeples didn't forget what nelson mandela made to stop racism and discrimination. Indeed we can see some blacks and some whites poeples who create the nelson mandela face with objects like flowers, …

It shows that actual population don't forget what they did.

Conclu :              with these two documents we could have seen that ordinary poeple like martin luther king or nelson mandela were able to change the difficult life of blacks poeple


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