Space and Time
Cours : Space and Time. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Billy Phung • 5 Novembre 2017 • Cours • 280 Mots (2 Pages) • 657 Vues
Introduction :
-Before : The scientists thoughts that the space and the time are completly independent either one.
But Newton said : No !! Space and time are complementary. They working together.
Einstein did after this a discovery, some searches about space-time and he found a mathematical formula called : Theory of general relativity.
Theory of general relativity :
[pic 1]
This theory announced by Einstein is an explanation of gravity. (theory of Newton).
For Newton, the Earth turns around the Sun because it exerts a gravitational force on our planet. But for Einstein, it’s a disturbance of space-time introduced by the mass of the sun who’s at the origin of the Earth’s movement.
This is a schema of Einstein theory. Time is like a big flexible canvas. Here the big orange ball represents the sun and the small white ball represents the Earth. Here, we can see that the sun distorts the canvas because it’s flexible and the sun is heavy. So what happened to the earth. The earth is lighter lighter than the sun. So the movement of the earth is submitted to the configuration of the distortion of the canvas. In space, Einstein call it “Space-time”. The massive objects in space distort the space-time and light objects follow a movement defined by the configuration of the distortion of space-time caused by the massive object.
This theory doesn’t contradict Newton’s theory because both of them give the same result for the same example. but Einstein doesn’t speak about forces, he speak about energies. ( E = mc² ). For Einstein, the distortion of the space dictates the trajectory of object and the mass of the objects dictates the distortion of space time.