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South Africa : Apartheid and Mandela

Dissertation : South Africa : Apartheid and Mandela. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Septembre 2018  •  Dissertation  •  426 Mots (2 Pages)  •  790 Vues

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Introduction :

The partheid is a afrikanars word who signify separateness it’s a political system who separed the black and the withe people.From 1978-1971 , during the apartheid in South Africa the withe people were imposed their laws to 25 millions black because black people doest have the same skin color and the were living differently.

The black were a majority in south africa but it was the withe who had all the power. Apartheid was etablish in 1948 it’s the product of the history and particulary the fact of europeans recused there europeans roots and want there africand roots.While the bulk of this legislation was enacted after the election of the National Party government in 1948, it was preceded by discriminatory legislation enacted under earlier British and Afrikaner governments. Apartheid is distinguished from segregation in other countries by the systematic way in which it was formalised in law..many law against blacks peoples were made for exemple :

¥ Whites were occupy 85pourcent of the country’s surface and the black people had the right to live on a small territories.

¥ The access to the training professionnel was prohibit to the black

¥ Weding between black and withe was prohibit

¥ The segregation was put in place in public splaces

¥ Best universities was only reserverd for the withe

In 1948 the racism against the black became a law.

Rolihlahla Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on 18 July 1918. He was given the name of Nelson by one of his teachers, in accordance with the custom to give all school children “Christian” names. very young he also partcipated to many demonstarions he was discribed like a brave and determined boy.

In 1964 Nelson Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment . He is accused of « sabotage and revolutionary conspiracy » he stayed 27 years in robben island !! In February 1990 , Nelson Mandela leaves prison South African after twenty- seven years of captivity.

EN 1991 is finally the END of the ARPATHEID !! In 1993 Neslon Mandela received the Nobel prize peace. He shares his prize with the president Klerk who made abolish apartheid. " The world's most famous political prisoner " became president of South Africa in May 1994 . In 1994, blacks, whites and mixed peoples vote together for the first time.

conclusion :

in conclusion we can say the fight between black en white population was longer but after 46 years the innequalities was reduced thank's too Nelson mandela and a lot of another peoples who has help him and the nation has been recald the raimbow nation.


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