Request for information
Lettre type : Request for information. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar nanane87 • 6 Octobre 2020 • Lettre type • 278 Mots (2 Pages) • 513 Vues
32000 Montpellier
Mrs, Mr, 29th October 2019,
University Center
2000 Lakeshore Dr
New Orleans, LA 70148
Dear Sir or Madam,
Request for information,
I'm sending you this letter to ask you some questions. Indeed, I have to integrate your university next year, however the price of housing is relatively expensive for my student budget.
So I come to you to ask if it was possible for me to receive free accommodation in exchange for work of interest.
I could do the housework and clean the common areas, clean the university during my breaks, or work in the compound of the establishment in any area.
I will be able to join an association in order to win funds for a good cause, to offer French support courses for students.
Yours faithfully.
Voici une lettre type pour écrire à quelqu'un en Angleterre. En haut à gauche, pour commencer on écrit son nom adresse et le moyen pour vous contacter, ensuite ont met mrs ou ms selon à qui on parle, on ajoute la date, puis l'objet suivi de deux points.
"I'm sending you this letter to ask you some questions. Indeed, I have to integrate your university next year, however the price of housing is relatively expensive for my student budget.
So I come to you to ask if it was possible for me to receive free accommodation in exchange for work of interest.
I could do the housework and clean the common areas, clean the university during my breaks, or work in the compound of the establishment in any area.
I will be able to join an association in order to win funds for a good cause, to offer French support courses for students."
enfin on signe sa lettre et on met une formule de politesse.