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Présentation d'un texte en anglais

Lettre type : Présentation d'un texte en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Janvier 2019  •  Lettre type  •  454 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 938 Vues

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I. Text presentation

The text we are going to analysis is entitled “The plague of the century”. It is an extract of article taken from the magazine named BBC, this text is published in November 1993; he is authorless and it is an informative text. The text is about “HIV” and “AIDS”. By writing this text, the author wants firstly to inform he readers the dangers of this disease, especially for women in pregnancy, the danger that their fetus in also reached on the overland, the author wants to sensitize the latter so that they become aware, that they make themselves responsibly by using one or several condoms during their sexual intercourse and that they abstain. The tone of the text is didactic.

II. Summary

1. Text division

The text we are going to analyze can be divided into 3 parts.

- The first part goes from line 1 down to line 4. This part is about of a sort of introduction where he author present the plague of the century, HIV and AIDS.

- The second part goes from line 5 down to line 13. It is about the difference between HIV/AIDS and different signs and symptoms that can lead to the disease

- The last part goes from line 14 down to the end; this part is about the means of transmission of HIV/AIDS.

2. Summary proper

The text we are dealing with about “health” and its deals especially the plague of the century: HIV/AIDS. In this passage the author starts by presenting HIV/AIDS in the world (number of people in the world who have HIV), then he about the difference between HIV, AIDS and the symptoms of AIDS, finally the author about means of transmission of HIV/AIDS.

III. Commentary

The general theme of this text is “health”. Its deals exactly the plague of the century (HIV/AIDS) in the world.

As w said in the summary proper, the author starts by presenting HIV/AIDS in the world, the number of people who have HIV/AIDS. We have been drawn to the fact that more than half of the HIV-positive people are in Africa (the first paragraph). So, why always Africa. For us, Africa is the continent most touched because it is a continent underdeveloped and that the majority of its countries are structurally, socially, politically, culturally and ecomically disadvantaged.

IV. Personal opinion

We think that this text is interesting and informative because on the one hand we sensitize to empower ourselves by protecting ourselves during our sexual intercourse and on the other hand, wee learn about the modes of transmission, the name of people affected and the signs and symptoms to identify in a person with.

V. Branching out

Therefore, what attitudes do we have to deal with these suffers? How should we heat them? And what advice should we give them?


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