Oral anglais
Fiche : Oral anglais. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Salma Bouzidi • 6 Décembre 2018 • Fiche • 405 Mots (2 Pages) • 730 Vues
good afternoon, today i am going to deal with the notion spaces and exchanges,first when we discuss this notion we talk about exchanging, is an act of giving and receiving something, it can also be seen as a continuous movement and circulation that concerns many topics as media, people, culture... to illustrate this notion i choosed to study the phenomene of multiculturalism in the great britain. in what way can we consider brtain as multicultural ? first, i am going to present how did britain become a melting pot, then i will present the effects of the multiculturalism on the britain society.
the trajectory of British multiculturalism started since 1945,Since the Second World War,it has seen an influx of immigration that has radically altered its nature. that what the poem "the british" of benjamin zephaniah illustrate. this poem starts with mentionning the initial brittens(picts, celts, silures...) then it added to this mixter various civilisations (palestinian, indian, japenese, africans...) he presented britain as a recipe, as a melting pot. britain concentrate a potential movement of peaple from different contries and races with uncommun religions. britain brings people together, who lived their nations searching for a better life.
welcoming people from different places means adopting various cultures, and different cultures brings their spices and their experiences and even their rituals. britain is a taste of the world!
britain, and after a long period, still representing a dream destination. nowadays, diversified culture gives britain its charm, overs 300 languages, many religions... these cultures are presented by carnivals like diwali, an indian party that even the native british are celebrating it, china's carnivals are also loved by different communities linving in britain.in the article of david ready named "london is a melting pot, we should keep it this way" we can see that this multicultural population has evolved and it helped london to be tolerant, because it allows the freedom of people to live and practice their beliefs
but in this article, david ready talked about the fear that islamophobia wish is very mentioned today, damage the charm of london for exemple, and he insisted that we should explore the dialogue of british muslims who are facing real problems from extremists and racist acts.
in conclusion, cultural variety maked britain a vibrant place, the main reason is the immigration who made this countrie cosmopolitan, diversified and harmonious but we should not forget that the britishness is not a birthright but something to be gained.