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Notion idea of progress

Dissertation : Notion idea of progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  458 Mots (2 Pages)  •  600 Vues

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Intro : I'm going to talk about the notion « Idea of progress ». The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of India. Now the question i came up with is why can we say that India is on the move?



India is a country under development because of its social and economic characteristics. The text which we have studied in class deals with this idea. The text is title « the caste system » The cast system started 3,000 years ago. The cast system is no longer legal. There 4 cast Brahmans (priestly and learned class), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Vaisyas (farmers and merchants), Sudras peasants and laborers). In addition to the basic castes, there is an outcaste called the Untouchables (Dalits) who are not considered part of human society. The holly river is called The Ganges. The Indians purify themselves in the Ganges after touching a Dalits.


Inequalities between men and women are very present in this country. The text which we have studied in class deals with this idea. The text is title « Another girl »In this text the mother wants to keep her baby girl whereas her husband does not want to. Her husband is angry beacause their baby is a girl. They prefer having sons rather daughter because they can look after their parents when they are old. In India, the bride's family has to pay a dowry for the weddings that's why there is many infanticides in India. Baby girls are killed because they are a burden.

I will present now the modern aspects

Many changes have occurred in India over the last 30 years. The country is now in a process of rapid economic development. Thanks to listening comprehension 2 we studied high tech cities. The document is about Sirisha who returned to India five years ago to create his Quislex Company located in Hyderabad. So thanks to the high tech cities evolution and industrial technology, like Hyderabad, Bangalore Cyberabad.

Conclusion :

Finally, India is far from being a homogeneous country. Indeed, there are many problems to solve in this country as infanticide, the strong cast system. But we must also underline than fact that India has changed economically and also technologically. So it illustrate perfectly the idea of progress showing the influence on citizens. If India's technology is rapidly evolving the mind are not : Traditions are strong : the cast system and the tradition of the dowry leave women but also a lot of poor people excluded from the progress made.


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