Notion Idea of progress.
Analyse sectorielle : Notion Idea of progress.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Iback • 18 Avril 2019 • Analyse sectorielle • 424 Mots (2 Pages) • 631 Vues
I'm going to talk about the notion Idea of progress. First of all I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. The idea of progress basically consist in believing that the world can become better un terms of art, sciences, technology and liberty. But a progress isn’t always good, it can be a negativ progress. Now I’m going to develop several aspect of the notion. Especially the place of the women in the world of work. The question I am going to try answer is : Is society making progress. My first part will about the place of women in society Then we will see evolution of the place of the woman in the world of work
First of all, we studied in the class a trailer of the movie Made in Dagenham. Women working for the Dagenham Ford factory are prostesting: they want gender pay equality. The action takes place in 1968. The women got together and made spreches. They organised themselves to defend their rights and face their boss. They protested in the street, in front of Parliament they had signs. The female politician was willing to meet the protesters. When her assistants told her that meeting them would encourage them to fighton, she had to shout at them to impose a meeting, saying that equal pay. In the trailer we see the different places a woman can occupy in society. Whether a woman has a high place in society or not, she must impose herself to have power.
"Gender pay gap almost unchanged, says ONS", this document is an article written by Brian Milligan on 18 November 2015 on the BBC website. The document is about evolution Gender pay gap. The gender pay gap between 2014 and 2015 decrease by 0,2 %, there has been little change overall. The pay gap has remained at around £100 a week, men working full-time earn an average of £567 a week, while women earn £471. At the current rate, it could be 50 years before men and women have pay parity. To try to solve the problem of the gender pay gap, the government wants to oblige firms to display the average salaries of employes. This will bring to the gender pay gap and women pay protest. Despite some changes, the evolution of women's place in the world of work is not very encouraging.
To answer the question, Is society making progress, we see that with the example of women in work and society despite several changes society is far from having evolved