Notion bac
Cours : Notion bac. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar OCE38570 • 15 Mai 2019 • Cours • 365 Mots (2 Pages) • 594 Vues
We have studied the notion places and forms of power through the following problematics : “ How far can people enter your privacy?” to respond to this problematics we will be interested in the means by which we are monitored.
Today everybody is being watched all their data is shared.We can not have privacy anymore because many people are spied by the government. people haven’t any privacy because there are phone tapping, location of cell phone can be tracked without a warrant . you can be located by a GPS device because FBI who spy on many people. Your location can be tracked by the government with cars, phone, internet. Everybody is watched all the time because private information is received and transmitted by the telescreen. Many other ways exist to enter your privacy as credit cards, ATM ,email ,satellites. Security cameras are installed to monitor the inhabitants of the cities. They are from all over the public transport as well as in many streets and squares of the cities, some are even equipped by loud speaker for to talk to the people around the cameras who commit of incivities . Security cameras reduce cuts down on violent crime and anti social behaviour too. Big brother are people who see everything and who are behind the screens to monitor you. The Big Brother tactics is present on the net because whenever you surf the web or send and email, you show some private information that can be tapped or watched by the authorities
There is a resistance against big brother called the counter power . Campaign called operation big brother, anonymous is trying to organise effort against government us of surveillance systems such as europe's indirect and america's trapwire. Activisme is a from protest against the power of government. It serves as on opposition force, a counter power to denounce the abuses of authority. for exemple Edward Snowden is America’s most famous whistleblowers ( they send us signals, to expose justice and abuse). He has revealed highly classified documents from the N.S.A
To conclude people can’t have any privacy anymore because the government spy on everybody all the time with new technologies due to their abusive authority .