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Mexican border

Dissertation : Mexican border. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Février 2019  •  Dissertation  •  397 Mots (2 Pages)  •  581 Vues

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 EE :        Is the frontier between Mexico and the United States only physical ?

 The border between Mexico and the United States stretches approximately 3,400 kilometres and has an important security feature with a separation wall, numerous police officers on the ground and jeep patrols. The purpose of this scheme is to deter candidates for immigration from crossing the border, but to no avail, because many Mexicans try cross it every day.
In addition to immigration control, it also serves to combat drug trafficking and prostitution. However this frontier is not only physical, we are going to see to what extend this border is physical and to what extend it's not.

   Certainly, there is a physical border recognizable on a map and represented by a wall, mountain, rivers and deserts difficult to surmont. The mexican border is overwhelming, it's a place of hope, deseperation, and dream. Many mexican intent to cross it, hope to settle in US because the mexican will earn more by working in U.S than in Mexico, they are underpaid. Forthemore we saw thank to an extract from the BBC about mexican migrants that most af them flee persecution from their country. Estimated at nearly two million across the border, unfortunatly many mexican are deceived, because of the patrols and the impotant security featurs they failed. We saw in an oral comprehension listened in class that 1005 died trying to cross. Contrary to  the American-Mexican border remains open for the american people and the goods.

   Nevertheless, this frontier is not only physical, it's not a simple boundary between two states, it's a zone of rupture between two countries with an extremely different standard of living, one is the world’s first wealth and the other is a developing country. Those two different living standards on both side of the frontier shows instead of a physical separation, a social separation by using a different language or the different conditionts of living. Mexican have an unrewarding job, and are underpaid, unlike the american who for the most part have a goog living condition and can provide fot one's and their family

   Consequently, we can say that it woult be reducing to consider this border only physical, because like we've seen it's also traduce by different condition living and  customs.



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