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Littérature anglaise, forbidden love

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Par   •  8 Mai 2018  •  Fiche  •  589 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 489 Vues

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Hello, I introduce myself, my name is Coraline. I will tell you about the Forbidden Love. During my lessons I have study many document and I had to choose two documents. So, let me introduce you the first document. The document is an extract of chapter 2 of the Nathaniel ‘s Hawthorne novel called The Scarlett Letter and wrote in 1850. The second document is the wedding scene of the chapter 26 of the Charlotte’s Brontë novel called Jane Eyre. So, we can ask us how is forbidden love shown in literature.

The Scarlett Letter:

The scene takes place in Massachusetts, outside a jail, in 1640.  It’s the story of Hester Prynne, she is a woman who is accused about adultery. (She had an affair) In front of the extract we can note that an “A” is embroidered on the Hester’s dress. Certainly, this “A” symbolise the first letter of “Adultery” so she is the symbol of the shame, but she represents more than this. Indeed, this letter is the symbol of the forbidden love because indeed let us remind that the story takes place in Massachusetts in the 17 centuries, before the Independence of America (1776). Currently, the society is puritan. People are very pious. The adultery is punished by the law. It is the law which forbade this woman to like who she wants. Because today it is easy to divorce of her husband and to start a new life. We are generally free to like who we want. So, it is this "A" which is especially the symbol of the non-existence of the right to like who we want. However, the omniscient point of view of the narrator show that he disapproves the Puritan order/ society. He sides with Hester’s.

Jane Eyre (Wedding scene)

The scene takes place in a little church, on the 19 centuries. Jane is a young woman who work like governess in the mister Rochester’s house. In this passage, Mister Rochester try to marry him with Jane, but a lawyer comes, and he tell that mister Rochester is always married with his woman and that’s why he can’t take Jane for wife. This love is forbidden because Jane is a governess and Mister Rochester is a nobleman. Jane is a woman in conflict with her natural desires and social condition. In this extract the impossible match is the moral impediment. Indeed, Jane is share between her love for Mister Rochester and the ethic. She is in love, but she knows that the union would be bad. The author of this novel, Charlotte Brontë is present in the novel by many resemblances between Jane's life and his. For example, Charlotte worked like governess, like Jane, and they both comes to a very pious family.

CONCLUSION: I have chosen a song call Take me to church from Hozier. this song tells about the forbidden love between two men. They are a homosexual couple and them love is forbidden by the society and the church. I have chosen this song because it may me thinking about the situation of the shame of Hester in the Scarlett letter.  Hester is guilt of adultery and she is punished by the law and Take me to church is a song for support the gay community especially in Russia which is persecuted by peoples and the society. Moreover, this song refers to the situation of Jane with the moral and legal impediment. Jane is share between the heart and the reason and it refers to often the situation of many gay couple.


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