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Idea of progress: is the scientific progress being put forward?

Dissertation : Idea of progress: is the scientific progress being put forward?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Mai 2018  •  Dissertation  •  433 Mots (2 Pages)  •  764 Vues

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Idea of progress


I am going to talk about the notion idea of progress. Besides I would like to give a definition of this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. Like a technical , scientific or social advance with contributes to making the world a better place. In class we studied documents about the idea of progress and in particular about the scientific progress. Through the documents is the scientific progress being put forward?  For illustrate this notion.  I will use 3 documents who forwards the medical advances, cloning, performance enhancing, drugs and genetically modified organisms.

1er document 

The first document illustrating this notion allows it possible to highlight scientific progress made at the aesthetic level. Plastic surgery, for example. On this document we see two women in admiration in front of a fake nose under glass. The girls correspond to today's canons of beauty. The woman on the left is holding a glass box. The nose is a center of attention, is like a trophy, the holy grail. This picture  allows us to see the progress of scientific cloning. However this progress can lead to over-use of cloning and could even lead to a scientific revolution allowing to completely clone a human being.

2eme document 

The second document represents pills of different colors, red, green and blue. The red for  beauty, the green for  health and the blue for intellectual quotient. On this plate one can read chromosome. This inscription could therefore suggest that these pills act on the chromosomes. A pill taken could alter the human genome. So this suggestion to the modification of the human being is considered to be scientific progress but if the scientific advance is tantamount to saying the modification of the human being is this really progress ?

3eme document 

My third document is a picture of  Stephen Hawking. This great scientist has been suffering from a serious illness,  Amyotrophic Lateral Scerosis. Thanks to the technological and scientific progress he was the living proof that mankind was evolving. He spoke through a computer, and was able to continue his research.  However himself said « Scientific progress represents the greatest threat to mankind ».


To conclude, we can see through these 3 documents that scientific progress is being made. They have positive effects, they can facilitate life, make it better. However scientific progress has adverse effects. If everyone could choose to be beautiful, strong, to be able to change part of their body, would we not all be the same ? 


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