How arise the french language ?
Chronologie : How arise the french language ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar paola01 • 31 Octobre 2017 • Chronologie • 263 Mots (2 Pages) • 669 Vues
How arise the French Language ?
During Fifth century before Christ france spoke Three langage : Greek , Ligurian and Gaulish
In beforfe fifty the Roman invaded France with their language Latin
in the 5th century people Frank took their place,
they pronounced Latin in they own way, added their word and created a new language : Roman
In eight hundred(800) Charlemagne switched Latin in the school and church [Tcheutch] cultivated people spook Latin and the population roman
During tenth century roman took Hundreds(100) of different form in the regions to say yes
the people in North say : Oïl and people in South say Oc
Little by little it's a language spoke close to Paris that spread the Fracien or French
So that every inhabitant understood.
King Francois Oner decided in One thousand five hundreds and thirty-nine (1539) that the laws will be wrote in french and after the revolution the school is are french
Over the centuries strange word enter the french language
Pays its a Gaulish word
Prudence is Latin
Magasin is arab
Internet is English
so the language evolve all the time and the mantality with,so that makes evolve the language and change the words people play a lot on that and wars have allowed the evolution of my French language over time, with a change in the long run or term, so this changes our way of to talk about thinking and understanding, the conquest has allowed a great evolution of our language that allows more than 2.7 million people to speak the French language