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Guerre Angleterre

Cours : Guerre Angleterre. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Octobre 2018  •  Cours  •  342 Mots (2 Pages)  •  637 Vues

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Lors de la signature de l'independance de l'irlande les anglais n’abandonnent pas la totalité du territoire irlandais. Ils gardent l’Irlande du Nord.

Les Irlandais ne sont pas d’accord, ils veulent leur indépendance. A cela s'ajoute un conflit religieux. Ils y avait plus de catholiques que de protestants et les catholiques n’avaient pas les même droits que les protestants anglais. Ils souffrent de discriminations.

Ce qui incite donc les Irlandais à ce rebeller. Ils créent ll'Armée républicaine irlandaise (IRA) qui défend au départ les zones catholiques. L'organisation passe ensuite à l'assassinat de policiers et de soldats britanniques, avant de commettre des attentats

Les irlandais du nord se battent pour leur indépendances.

Ils y a donc une guerre de 1968 à 1998 appelée « the Troubles »

When the independence of Ireland was signed, the English did not abandon the entire Irish territory. They are guarding Northern Ireland.The Irish do not agree, they want their independence. In addition, there is a religious conflict. There were more Catholics than Protestants and Catholics did not have the same rights as English Protestants. They suffer from discrimination.So that's what prompted the Irish to rebel. They created the Irish Republican Army (IRA), which initially defended Catholic areas. The organization then moves on to the murder of British police and soldiers, before carrying out attacksThe Northern Irish are fighting for their independence.So there was a war from 1968 to 1998 called "the Troubles"

When the independence of Ireland was signed, the English did not abandon the entire Irish territory. They are guarding Northern Ireland.The Irish do not agree, they want their independence. In addition, there is a religious conflict. There were more Catholics than Protestants and Catholics did not have the same rights as English Protestants. They suffer from discrimination.So that's what prompted the Irish to rebel. They created the Irish Republican Army (IRA), which initially defended Catholic areas. The organization then moves on to the murder of British police and soldiers, before carrying out attacksThe Northern Irish are fighting for their independence.So there was a war from 1968 to 1998 called "the Troubles"


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