Par abouriane • 5 Décembre 2015 • Cours • 650 Mots (3 Pages) • 754 Vues
S-Hello, I'm Simon ! Welcome to news to day !
Today, we are talking about Facebook the famous social network. And we have an expert on the set, Jane. Hello Jane ! How are you ?
A-Hello, I'm fine, thanks!
S-So what is Facebook ?
A-So, Facebook is the most popular social network. It's a website where you can chat, post and share. There are five hundred million active Facebook users. It's one in every thirteen people on the world.
In twenty minutes on Facebook, one million links are shared, seven hundred and sixteen thousand photos are uploaded and messages sent. And ten millions two hundred and eight thousand comments are made.
S-Wow ! It's amazing ! We have three guests. This is Kate, Sean and Nathan.
Hi Nathan, how old are you ?
N-Hi, I'm sixteen.
S-Great ! Well, what do you think about Facebook ?
N-For me, Facebook is really cool ! I can chat with my friends, follow my favorite stars...
S-Okay, and you Sean ? You're 35, what's your adult opinion ?
M-In my opinion, Facebook is very usefull because I work with a lot of people in foreign countries and I need to communicate easily and fast all around the world.
S-Yes, you're right, Facebook is a good way to communicate...
And you Kate ? Tell us your opinion ?
L-Well,I'm not convinced by Facebook. A lot of teen post their private life on it, and the consequences can be terrible. And you can't delete your profil, so everythings on Facebook, stays on Facebook.
S-Yes, you're right, it can be very dangerous.
N-But the majority of teen are careful about this.
S-You, Nathan, do you post personal photos on internet ?
N-Oh, no ! I know that it's dangerous.
L-Yes, but those who don't know use Facebook can make mistakes.
S-Yes, er, Sean, What do you think about this ?
M-I agree with kate, but I think that Facebook is more usefull than dangerous. And I think that Facebook and its creator can be a model for the teen of today.
S-What do you mean, Sean ?
M-That shows what we can do at 20.
A-Yes, Mark zuckerberg created Facebook in two thousand and four, at twenty years old. He was a Havard students and he become the youngest billionaire !
S-Oh really ? Wow !
Kate , for you, what are the most important disadvantages on Facebook ?
L-It depend, the teen health is important, but the subject if terrorisme too.
S-Yes, you're right. We'll talk about of the teen health in first, and terrorism after. Jane, have you got pourcentages ?
A-Yes, in the Us, seventy one point two per cent of the web audiance is on Facebook, and forty eight per cent of eighteen to thirty four years oldcheck Facebook when they wake up and there are seventy one point two per cent of people talk more online than they do in real life.
S-It's a lot ! Nathan, do you check Facebook when you wake up ?
N-Yes, I can keep in touch my family who lives in Australia, so I look my cousin's profil the morning, I can share with them.