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Environment and poverty

Dissertation : Environment and poverty. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Septembre 2016  •  Dissertation  •  318 Mots (2 Pages)  •  829 Vues

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Environment and poverty

How to fight poverty while respecting environment ?

The 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty are disproportionately affected by climate change.

The deterioration of the environment

Natural resources are vital to exist. But Natural disasters and extreme weather can destroy natural resources such as food ; water ; timber ; fuel ; medicines.

For example, people use natural resources to feed us but they don’t always care about sustainability. Therefore, some countries have sufferedfromvariousenvironmentalproblemslikefloodswichmayresultfrom large scale deforestation.

As environment degradation, we have soiled gradation through erosion ; overuse or use of chemical products ; overgrazing ; or salinisation.

Reasons of the deterioration of the environment

Air pollution generated by inappropriate production techniques used by poor people whouse traditions techniques which are not always good for the environment or lack of capital to invest in environment friendly technologies. For example, water pollution results from insufficient access to information on proper management.

Lack of appropriate infrastructure is also one of the causes like water treatment.

Some people pollute with their practices. For example, they use cyanide or dynamite to catch fish more easily. Some agricultural practices use lead wich lowers cropyields and pollutes rivers and streams.

Some solutions to fight poverty while respecting environment

- Improve know ledges on soil formation processes and of processus of land degradation.

- Increase the output of the land according to the intrinsic vocations soil.

- The project « Initiative poverty and environment » created in 2005 seeks to strengthen the contribution of the sustainable management of the environment. It sintented to integrate the environmental dimension into policies.

- The GERES is a French NGO whose main mission is to improve the living conditions of populations while preserving the environment : the energy transition in Europe and the Mediterranean ; the bioclimation in Central Asia ; the bomass management in Southeast Asia ; the access to energy in rural zone in West Africa ; an expertise on climate change for some years.


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