English literature
Cours : English literature. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sasa12mini • 14 Décembre 2020 • Cours • 887 Mots (4 Pages) • 533 Vues
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English Literature
Doc 1 p.192 :
- On the picture we can see some soldiers who are leaving on a train and some women says their last goodbye to them by kissing them deeply, through the windows of the train: it’s a goodbye scene.
- The pronoun “they” refers to the soldiers who are leaving for the war. It’s talking about these men who are sent to the front line/trenches during the World War I, it’s an expression of a rough journey for the soldiers, physically and mentally. The uncertain future of these soldiers and the feeling of not knowing what awaits them, poses a heavy and uncertain atmosphere in this poem. Moreover, the returning soldiers will never be the same again, forever changed by the horrors of war.
- Knkn
- The picture doesn’t illustrate well the poem, this is inconsistent, it doesn’t represent the state the soldiers are in in the poem. The picture is quite happy and the poem is sad and depressing, but they talk about the same subject, the soldiers go to the same place which is the front line but also their uncertain future, closely linked with death.
Doc 2 p.193 :
- On this painting we can see nine wounded soldiers walk in a line, in three groups of three, along on a dirt road and heading towards what appears to be a rescue station, suggested by the guy ropes to the right side of the painting. Their eyes are bandaged, blinded by the effect of the gas, so they are assisted by two medical orderlies. All around them lying on the ground there’s a lot of wounded soldiers; some of them are maybe dead, crammed on top of each other. They too are blindfolded because of the gas.
- The soldiers are represented with a ton of stuff carrying weapons, helmets, bags, and looks exhausted because of the pain of their wounds, and also because they can’t see anything. The other people on the ground are as much exhausted sleeping or dying on each other in a precarious situation. It seems like there is not enough place for all the wounded, their too many. It’s a realistic representation of the damages of the war.
- To have painted such a large painting invites the spectator to put himself in a situation and to show the horrors of war in real life. The viewer is immersed in the painting, which makes it even more overwhelming.
Doc 1 p.194 :
- It's a poster composed in two parts with the title of the movie in the middle and the names of the main actors. in the upper part of the poster there are two characters who are about to kiss each other. The man is dressed in military clothes and the woman in civilian clothes, they are in the middle of a field of poppies, and in the background we can see the sea and a sunset. On the lower part of the poster there are several characters in a row looking towards the spectators. Behind them there are several settings of the film: castle, forest, cliff...
- It shows that the two characters seem to love each other deeply in spite of the war between them; they seem to fight for their love and to be reunited.
- The title suggests that the two characters were separated by the war but in spite of that they continued to love each other and were reunited thanks to that.
At home: The two main actors are Alicia Vikander as Vera Brittain and Kit Harington as Roland Leighton. These two characters will fall in love despite Vera's reluctance. but war will separate them so Vera will decide to enlist as a nurse as well. The promise of their love so not to give up will be a reason to stay alive.
Doc 2 p.194 :
- She has to deal with her mother remarks about her relationship with Roland. She has trouble remembering his face. The moments she remembers are brief and confused, yet the memories are there, it makes her suffer.
- These sentences show that she's talking about a moment that happened a long time ago and that Roland’s been at war for a long time. It also shows that the mother often repeats that she doesn't understand how they could have loved each other like that in such a short period of time.
- Vera's tone is very much in love and also full of sadness at not being able to remember her beloved:”I keep trying”, “it is so difficult, and my dear one”, “When I do manage to revisualize you it is only in sudden flashes which are tantalizing by their transitoriness”.
- I think the commitment after so little time together is a bit too much, but if they love each other so much that they want to get married before they are separated by war I can understand. I'll say I agree with both of them.
Doc 3 p.195 :
- It's a letter sent to her beloved, it almost looks like a poem, since there are rhymes and it's constructed as if they were stanzas. It's a correspondence that Roland Leighton had written during the war. It's written in a very melancholy way, but it's also filled with love. We notice that he is very touched by the horrors of war, which gives it a depressed tone.
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