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Different hero

Étude de cas : Different hero. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Novembre 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  408 Mots (2 Pages)  •  620 Vues

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        In our world, there are different types of hero. A hero can be a fictional character or a real person, who is still living or historical and marked the history and daily life. Today we are going to deal with three different people : Michael Jackson who was one of the most popular artist in the world, Martin Luther King who was the leader in the Civil Rights Movement and the Lieutenant General Silveria who is the Superintendent at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

First of all, we go to see why those three men can be considered heroes and what are their similarities and differences, then secondly which one I prefer and why I consider him a hero.

        Those three men can be considered heroes because M.J broke racial barriers with his worldwide popularity, he changed things and mentality, and fought for humanitarian causes. M. Luther King played a important role in ending the legal segregation of African-American citizens in the United States, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Lt General Silveria can also considered hero because after racial slurs on black people in his academy, he made a big speech to order his racist student to get out.

They have in common the fact of defending a cause, that of racism, to try to change mentality. However they are differents because M. Luther King dedicated his life to the cause of black people, it was his dream and he did everything in his power to try to achieve it. It is not the case of M.J and Silveria, Jackson changed things and broke racial barriers with his impact on American pop music, and the Lt General Silveria defended black people, saying that diversity is a power.

        Personally, I prefer M. Luther King. It is the one who corresponds to my definition of hero.  He  was the leader in the Civil Rights Movement and he organized nonviolent protests for freedom, peace and equality between blacks and whites. He gave his life for justice, it was his dream, a real hero for me.

        Finally, those three men can be considered heroes even if I prefer M. Luther King. The notion of hero is very relative, a hero for someone is not for someone else.


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