Dev 1 anglais
Dissertation : Dev 1 anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Maya2506 • 8 Avril 2020 • Dissertation • 748 Mots (3 Pages) • 584 Vues
“We are threatened everyday, our voices crushed; but we will continue to fight.” said Soni Sori is an Indian women activist and politician who fights for equal rights for women. All through the history women has fought for equal rights and opportunities. As results we have achieved many important things like the right to vote in almost every country in the world, 1947 for India and the last being Saudi Arabia in 2015 with only local elections for both men and woman. However we still as women have a very long road ahead because not a single country has achieved yet gender equality or will in the next ten years. In fact studies say we won't until 2095 wiche is 75 years from now. Nonetheless, there is still changes happening all over the world and one of them is India. In this broadcast we will focused on the progress of the status in present day in India, the changes and the contradictions.
Every since the independence of India in 1947, some decisions have been taken to give womens the same opportunities and rights as men's, the first one being the right to vote in 1947. Women empowerment has been part of various political discussions in india. We could say that there has been a lot of changes since the independece especially in paper. Many laws have been approved to defend women from Sati prevention (a tradition where the widow threw herself herself to her husband funeral pyre), dowry prohibition (property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage), protection against sexual harassment laws, protection from domestic violence, the national commision of women, against the married women's property act equal remuneration, maternity benefits and the list is very long, so we could say that it does sounds very good and the change is there. In some areas the women participation has increased like the education, From 5.4 million girls enrolled at the primary level in 1950-51 to 61.1 million girls in 2004-05. At the upper primary level, the enrolment increased from 0.5 million girls to 22.7 million girls.
But reality is very far from it, even tho women in India had a very important participation in politics like the female prime minister in 1966 or a female president in 2007, India is ranked in the position 142 with only 12% of the parliament being woman outshine by countries like North Korea or Saudi Arabia. Another bug issue is the lack of education women get access to, girls are still pull out of school at the age of 13 because they are eligible for marriage or they are being left at house because the family decided to give priority to their brothers. Only 48% of girls who’ve completes the basic 5 years primate education are literate, where countries like Nepal are outshining India with an 92%. Nevertheless the Punjab which is the indian Government that gave free education in women in government facilities from nursery to phd. In the workplace, today we represent the 27%of the workforce as in the 90’s we representent 35%. Even if the law for maternity benefits is important, this doesn’t apply for the countless women that works in unorganized sectors like the house helpers and in organized sectors it leads to not hiring women because the government does not give economical help. And some topics are still a tabu like menstruation were people in the rural area think is like a disease this is showed in an Academy Award Winning Documentary named Perido, end of sentence,