Death penalty
Étude de cas : Death penalty. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar kaibuuu • 20 Février 2019 • Étude de cas • 553 Mots (3 Pages) • 604 Vues
Death Penalty
The death penalty has been established since a some of centuries and the reasons were that criminals need to be punished in consequence when they do a huge crime. Today a lot of people have a different opinion about it and no one know if it’s better without or not.
So here we gonna explain if death penalty is a good or a bad thing by two different way and we will conclude by our personal opinion.
First we gonna explains why it’s a bad thing,
Whether it's a firing squad, electric chair, gas chamber, lethal injection, or hanging, it's barbaric to allow state-sanctioned murder before a crowd of people. We condemn people like, Qaddafi, and Kim Jong Il when they murder their own people while we continue to do the same (although our procedures for allowing it are obviously more thorough). The 8th Amendment of the US. Constitution prevents the use of "cruel and unusual punishment". Many would interpret the death penalty as violating this restriction.
Secondly The "eye for an eye" mentality will never solve anything. A revenge philosophy inevitably leads to an endless cycle of violence. Why do you think the Israeli-Palestine conflict has been going on for 60+ years? Why do you think gang violence in this country never seems to end? It is important to send a message to society that striking back at your enemy purely for revenge will always make matters worse. Yes, we want to make sure there is accountability for crime and an effective deterrent in place; however, the death penalty has a message of "You killed one of us, so we'll kill you". The state is actually using a murder to punish someone who committed a murder. Does that make sense?
Now we gonna explains it’s a good think,
The most fundamental principle of justice is that the punishment should fit the crime. When someone plans and brutally murders another person, doesn't it make sense that the punishment for the perpetrator also be death?
Perhaps the biggest reason to keep the death penalty is to prevent the crime from happening again. The parole system nowadays is a joke. Does it make sense to anyone outside the legal system to have multiple "life" sentences + 20 years or other liverish? Even if a criminal is sentenced to life without possibility of parole, he still has a chance to kill while in prison, or even worse, escape and go on a crime/murder spree.
Some family members of crime victims may take years or decades to recover from the shock and loss of a loved one. Some may never recover. One of the things that helps hasten this recovery is to achieve some kind of closure. Life in prison just means the criminal is still around to haunt the victim. A death sentence brings finality to a horrible chapter in the lives of these family members.
To conclude, for me the death penalty is a good thing because that's makes scared at other potential murderers and this reduce the over population. I m really affected by the “eye for an eye” because for me you need to pay everything you do at someone so if you kill someone you have to be killed too. It's like God is punishing you for the sins you committed by doing the same thing to you.