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Daily television programme "employees' Assistance"

Commentaire de texte : Daily television programme "employees' Assistance". Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Février 2018  •  Commentaire de texte  •  380 Mots (2 Pages)  •  782 Vues

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This document is daily television program called "Employees' Assistance", in which they invited Alice Wonder to talk about the Employee Assistance Program.

First, she introduces herself as the current manager of one of the programs in Washington, after working for the program as a psychologist. She introduces the concept of the program saying that it is created to provide employees professionnal counselers, to help them dealing with personnal and professionnal problems.

First as an occupational alcohool program, the EAP has evolved since its creation, and the program has added over the years an increasingly wide range of counseling for employees and actually exists in most large and medium size company. They can now treat many cases of problems, whether they are serious or not, like family and substance abuse problems, or even a tree falling in a yard.

The aim of this program is to avoid emergency situations, and help employees being more productive at work. She adds that the EAP is free of cost for the employees and their families, and that counseling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week thanks to their hotline number.

First, economic factors are important when evaluating corporations, for example the turnover and profitability, because they indicates the performances of the company by looking at its financial indicators. Indeed, we also have to include social and environnemental sides to the evaluation. A company who is responsible towards the environnement and society, or even his employees shows a good image, is attractive and successful, so it also contributes to its evaluation.

The two companies that i admire are Apple and Walt Disney. The reasons are that they can be successful and responsible at the same time. Their notoriety contributes to generate good examples to society and other companies.

For instance, Disney spends an important amount of money to train his employees, and manage to keep equality between the amount of female and male employees working for the company. Apple is also well-known for his environnemental actions, for example, 100% of the electricity used is from solar, hydraulic or wind energies.

On the contrary, i don't admire Nike due to his many controversies, especially in terms of labor policies like the poor working conditions and low wages of their employees, which shows their lack of responsabilities towards them.


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