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Cohesion analysis

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Par   •  12 Mai 2016  •  Commentaire de texte  •  707 Mots (3 Pages)  •  784 Vues

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Assignment 2: Cohesion analysis  


It is generally accepted that when students have an assignment such as this one, almost all of them want to pass with the better grade they can achieve. In addition, failing tends to generate a feeling of frustration since every mark that university students get during the degree is important for their final mark. Therefore, it is something that they do not want to go through. In this essay I am going to explain the reasons why I consider that I should be passed on this assignment.  


First of all, I think that I should be passed because each mark is important as final grades help students get better work opportunities resulting in a better future. On the other hand, it could be argued that better job chances are not obtained since a recent study shows that a big percentage of graduates either work part-time with no relation to their degree or are unemployed (Harvegal, 2015). However, it is generally agreed that a good academic record is always helpful. Secondly, from my point of view I should pass because I have worked hard, always attended classes and studied. Although, it could be said that going to class or even studying does not necessarily mean learning, which is essential in order to pass. Nevertheless, I personally have never got a mark lower than 8 out of 10 which in my opinion means that I understood the concepts and learned properly.  


  1. Reference:


  • It is generally accepted that when students have an assignment such as this one, almost all of them want to pass with the better grade they can achieve.


  • failing tends to generate a feeling of frustration […] Therefore, it is something that they do not want to go through.


  • every mark that university students get during the degree is important for their final mark. Therefore, it is something that they do not want to go through.


  1. Ellipsis:


  • I have worked hard, [] always attended classes and [] studied.
  • I understood the concepts and [] learned properly.


  1. Substitution:


  • It is generally accepted that when students have an assignment such as this one 


  1. Conjunction:


  • Additive/alternative: in addition, or, and 
  • Adversative: on the other hand, however, although, nevertheless 
  • Causal: therefore
  • Structural sequencers: first of all, secondly 


5. Lexical Cohesion


5.1 Repetition  

 It is generally accepted that when students have an assignment such as this one, almost all of them want to pass with the better grade they can achieve. In addition, failing tends to generate a feeling of frustration since every mark that university students get during the degree is important for their final mark. Therefore, it is something that they do not want to go through.


5.2 Synonyms and superordinates

  • have an assignment such as this one, almost all of them want to pass with the better grade they can achieve […] In this essay I am going to explain the reasons why I consider that I should be passed


  • I should be passed because each mark is important as final grades help students get better work opportunities


  • as final grades help students get better work opportunities resulting in a better future […] a recent study shows that a big percentage of graduates either work part-time with no relation to their degree or are unemployed


  • final grades help students get better work opportunities resulting in a

better future […] it could be argued that better job chances 


  • always attended classes and studied. Although, it could be said that going to class


5.3 Antonyms  

  • all of them want to pass with the better grade they can achieve. In addition, failing tends to generate a feeling of frustration


  • either work part-time with no relation to their degree or are unemployed 


5.4 Same semantic field  

I have highlighted general lexis for education in the text from the first page.  


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