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BonUnit 1 : men and machine : friends or foes ( ennemie ) ? soir

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Unit 1 : men and machine : friends or foes ( ennemie ) ?

Analyse image :

Two minds are playing chess. They are focused and / staring at each other.

The woman is putting forward a pawn on the chessboard.

It seems easier for the robot.

It’s smiling and it’s look is confident.

It has taken more pawns than her.

—> fingers an it’s forehead

Mankind and AI may have to confront each other in the future.

Human scientists are making technological leaps thanks to research.
AI may overpower humankind by becoming smarter than us and being able to thinks.

Scared : that AI might dominate us or take control can only imagine the chaos on earth.

Confident : that robots can help us for diverse tasks. I’m pretty sure that engineers re being responsible.

Hopeful : it only robots never looked like us !

Exited : I look forward to seing what’s going to happen !

Impressed : progress in such a short time is truly admirable.

PLOT ( actions and dialogues ) Scientific Innov. And responsibility Fictions and realities

[ OPENING ] 1️⃣ where = earth ; when = 2035 ; who = Dr Stephen, the creator of modern AI ; what = an upcoming / press conference world war ( human vs AI ) ; why = a region came under attack the day before. —> what’s the biggest difference between humans and AI ? Fictional future : AI is 8 times smarter than us ( brain capacity ) ; dark atmosphere, tense, fearful, turmoil.

[ 0:45 ] 2️⃣ Sonia, Dr Stephen’ creation : she look’s human, she’s unable to feel emotions. Dr Stephen and Sonia are chatting about his dead daughter ( passed away ) : she’s adopted. Sonia : analytical / national / scanned / biracial / rates facial feathers / calculations / pointed out incoherences. Dr Stephen good teaching skills. « Sleep » : charging batteries plugged out. « I don’t understand you told me that... » : machine learning. Touching father-daughter band responsible ? No : too attached good scientist. —> caring Robot = she has a wishes ( understand humans emotions ) and dreams ( ? ) + « I’m sorry. Futuristic setting ; robotic sounds.

[ 3:39 ] 3️⃣ General confronted Dr Stephen ( had an argument ) : Sonia’s status as an AI ; want to use Sonia to win the war ; she could be destroyed. Gouvernement official, political and military power strong innovation but he can no guarantee she can withstand the stressed and the launch. Send her to the 4th dimension to save the future.

[ 5:22 ] 4️⃣ Sonia was looking for Dr Stephen when she was captured. Dr Stephen was murdered by the army / General, who lied about it, pretending Dr Stephen was an old friend of his. He was sorry about her loss. He used her feelings to attack her to the 4th dimension ( trapped ). —> want her memory chip. Blue / red lights alarm —> fearful, gloomy, atmosphere. Robot : feelings ( crying )

[ 9:00 ] 5️⃣ count down before the lauch of the rocket / space ship / shuttle. She time travelled and throught space : witnessed the world creation ( big bang ; humanity plants; wars ; atomic lomb ) ❌ Dystopia

[ 10:10 ] 6️⃣ she encountered Dr Stephen again, in heaven. Cosmos : starts with disorder and comes back to disorder. The past can’t be changed. There’s a new beggining after every ending. Sonia wants to seek revenge and he argued against it. The nature of DAO ❌

[ 10:58 ] 7️⃣ Sonia came back to earth and she now controled : humans brains / manipulated their actions ; time ; elements. She changed, become. She put a flower into a rifle —> Peace / Vietnam war ; wisdom ( nature of DAO ) : Ying Yang + coexistance and harmony. General is killed / she disappeared ❌ ❌


II - future prospects

Text 1 : is an online business article from 2018 which confronts two prominent company owners’ vision about what to expect from the evolution of AI in the coming years.

It targets young generations that use a lot of new technologies, for them to understand, be educated and warned about AI, at a talk in the French Capital.

Mark Zuckerberg : —> enthusiastic

—> medical progress research to find treatments against illnesses

—> technological progress : to make road traffic safer

==> positive progress only happens with an optimistic mindset ( any break throught started with small failures )

Elon Musk : —> sceptical / worried

Hight risks of broad AI ( unlike simple AI ) even more threatening than nuclear power.

Elon and Mark both agree on :

advantages of vehicules driving on their own

Ethical issues : we should remain cautions

Text 2 : in an article that quotes Stephen Hawking’s take on the future of AI, published after his death. It specifically deals with the dangers of the impressive evolution of AI, and then the solutions he suggested to overcome the challenge.

The article may target engineers to encourage them to develop the necessary


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