Anglais structures relatives pour le BAC
Fiche : Anglais structures relatives pour le BAC. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar jayjayyeee • 21 Février 2022 • Fiche • 628 Mots (3 Pages) • 446 Vues
On met l’accent sur le résultat d’une action en décrivant le moyen utilisé pour y arriver.
Ex: Steve frightened the dog away. Le résultat: the dog [is] away. Le chien est sorti.
Le moyen: Steve frightened [the dog]. Je l'ai effrayé.
Traduction: Steve a fait partir le chien en l’effrayant
1) Manière de se déplacer
a) Le verbe indique de quelle façon on se déplacer, le déplacement lui-même est exprimé à l'aide de l’élément résultatif, si bien que l’ordre des termes est différent du français.
On utilise un ……………………………..…………………….. pour traduire
o She ran out =>
o He limped up the hill. =>
o They broke into the room. =>
o He flew round the world. =>
o They hurried back home. =>
o We'll drive to London tomorrow. =>
o We walked her home. =>
o To reverse the car into the garage. =>
o Show them in. =>
o I'll see you to the door. =>
o I saw her off at the station. =>
o The IRA was bombing its way into the headlines (BBC). =>
o The players were booed and hissed off the field. =>
o She lulled her baby to sleep. =>
o You won’t manage to drink your problems away. =>
! Le verbe peut indiquer une circonstance (bruit, lumière...) qui accompagne un déplacement
o The door banged shut (shut est ici un adjectif). =>
2) Moyen et résultat
On remarquera que l’ordre des termes est chronologique : action puis résultat
o The dog licked the plate clean. =>
o They shook him awake. =>
o He pushed the door open. =>
o She kissed the child's tears away. =>
o She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. =>
o He struggled to his feet. =>
o Their voices died (ou: faded) into silence. =>
o He has talked himself hoarse =>
o Tigers have almost been hunted into extinction =>
3) Exprimer la menace ou la persuasion avec une structure résultative.
• Pour convaincre quelqu’un de faire quelque chose, on emploie « into + verbe en -ing. »
o They threatened him into signing the cheque. =
o She coaxed him into telling what happened. =
o He deluded them into believing that the task would be an easy on. =
o His parents shamed him into working.=
o They threatened him into opening the safe. =
• Pour dissuader quelqu’un de faire quelque chose, on emploie « out of + verbe en -ing. »