Action spécial printemps
Fiche de lecture : Action spécial printemps. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Melvin Pandolfi • 16 Février 2023 • Fiche de lecture • 696 Mots (3 Pages) • 373 Vues
Winter Sale
M: Hello!
V: Hello! Welcome to the Skiped. If you need any information, do not hesitate.
M: Yes I need some information please
V:I'm listening
M: I received your email about the winter promotions starting in your shop
V: Yes indeed, they started yesterday
M: And I wandered on your website, and I could see that you put snowboards on promotion. Can you introduce them to me?
V: Please follow me
V: So first of all you have to know if you have already done any?
M: No, I've never done one, I live in Barcelonnette and it's more profitable to buy one than to have to rent it
V: So you should know that in snowboarding, there is a Gouphi and regular side. Gauphi with the right foot forward and regular with the left foot forward. Hold try, place yourself on the snowboard on the ground.
M: So I put the left foot forward?
V: No, no, try both feet. And tell me which foot are you most comfortable with. Generally if you are right-handed it is the left foot forward so regular and vice versa
M: yes I am right handed and I feel more comfortable with the left foot forward.
V : Alright, so let's look at the snowboards that are made for regular riding. There are these 3 models from 3 different brands, very well known by snowboarders.
Do you have a preference on a model ?
M: yes the model, boston green aesthetically, I like more. What do you think of it ?
V: Yes it's a very good model, complete because it has the bindings and the boots included. I also got it for myself. So I highly recommend it.
M: I trust you, I will take it. With the discount, how much is it ?
V : It's 250€ but with the special offer 40% it's 170€.
M : I'll take it !
V : Here, thank you very much for your trust. Have a good slide and see you soon in our store!
M : Thanks to you, goodbye and see you soon.
M: Bonjour !
V : Bonjour ! Bienvenue chez le Skiped. Si vous avez besoin d’un renseignement n’hésitez pas.
M : Oui j’ai besoin d’un renseignement s’il vous plaît
V :Je vous écoute
M : J’ai reçu votre mail sur les promotions d’hiver qui débute dans votre boutique
V : Oui en effet, elles ont commencé hier
M : Et je me suis baladé sur votre site internet, et j’ai pu constater que vous avez mis des snowboard en promotion. Pouvez-vous me les présenter ?
V : bien sûr, suivez moi
V : Donc premièrement il faut savoir si vous en avez déjà fait ?