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What's a manager's role ?

TD : What's a manager's role ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Novembre 2017  •  TD  •  324 Mots (2 Pages)  •  684 Vues

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What’s a manager’s role ?

For the Harvard Business Review “Management is the responsibility for the performance of a group of people”, another definition says: “A manager is responsible for overseeing and leading the work of a group of people”.

The managers is the one who allocates resources (human, financial, physical and informational) he also has 4 important functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling, which must help him and his team to achieve organizational goals.

But for today let’s focus on LEADING, which is for me the most important role of a manager, and the most difficult too. Because planning, organizing or controlling depends on numbers, or only the manager technics, but when you’re leading you’re working with humans…

 Nowadays a manager must see so much more that only the performances like the sales or others performance indicators. A manager for me is before all a Leader. Someone who can inspire his team, and make them do their work with envy, not with orders.

It’s important for a manager to make his team achieve a same organizational goal, and make them join him in this aim. A manager must lead his team to the top, but he can’t do it without the agreement and the support of his people!

We must know that the society is knowing a change in the way you must manage a team. The managers must adapt their management to each person in their team. You can’t manage Paul and Raphael the same way, because they have different views on some points of their job.

Today a manager is someone who’s able to listen and understand his team with a good and reciprocal communication. Give orders and expecting good results is not as efficient as giving a goal, the keys to reach it, and a support, and an attentive listening in every moments of doubts or success !

Alone you will go fast, but together you will go so far away…


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