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We may also wonder, what is a hero?

Analyse sectorielle : We may also wonder, what is a hero?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mai 2019  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  806 Mots (4 Pages)  •  624 Vues

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                                                          Myth and Hero


- … So ….  I’m going to talk about the notion of Myth and Hero through two texts I’ve personally picked among many to illustrate this notion, But first thing first,we may wonder, what is a Myth ?

Definition: A myth is legend telling a story that may not be verified, but this is a tale that everybody knows about,such as the myth of King Arthur. Furthermore It is based on real or un real stories,but what’s important is that a myth aims to transmit certain values or bring people toghether it’s more like a binding thing. But that’s not all, a myth might be linked to heroes who are the antagonist of it. We may also wonder, what is a hero? This notion falls into two category,the imaginary hero like superman who’s endowed with superpower,or real people,and in that case,that notion is split up into 3 sub-categories:

1) a war heroe devoted to fight for his country,and die for it.

2) a person who’s admired by others and look up to because he or she contributed to make the world a better place by creating or innovating something useful for mankind.

3) A commun guy who did something brave for once in his life,usually this includes saving the life of others.

Now that we have defined our notion,we may dive into the real thing, by asking ourselves, why do these two text illustrate that notion ? First of all I’m going to talk about the myth of native americans and its place nowadays in the american’s reality, afterwards I’m going to talk about the heroes in our societies.

Native American:

Many people around us think of a population a certain way,but it differs from reality,as a matter of fact, it is what the myth of native americans is built on, so to illustrate this notion,I’m going to use a document studied in class named “A vision of a Native American” which is an interview performed by Clifford Armion on David Treuer a Native who’s also novelist and use the myth of Native americans and their identity in his essays and novels. In that text we learn that natives are seen in a romantic way by americans and David thinks that vision is shared by the whole world. Also Natives only represent 1% of the American’s population but vast tracts of the american’s  imagination, he insists on the fact that, natives are part of a myth but not part of the reality,and that natives exist in ways that defy  imagination.  Besides we learn that natives aren’t recognized by people because they don’t look the way people think they look and don’t act the way people want them to act, just because people have foolish notions about their religion,culture and so on, and for a majority,if a native doesn’t match with a stereotype,people disgrace their identity  by saying things like “you’re not really indian” unless they meet people’s expectations. And to him it is infuriating,also he underlines that reservations have nothing to do with it, less and less natives live there. Furthermore the problem is public gaze,people need to change the way they see and define who and who’s not indian,also natives need to upkeep their language because it is a mark of culture, without their language,the name “indian” would only be a label. So the work of David as a writer is to make the myth of natives a reality.


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