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Voyage d'un fan

Étude de cas : Voyage d'un fan. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Décembre 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  466 Mots (2 Pages)  •  587 Vues

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Dan said that The magic bus was a place he dreamed of visiting, bc when he saw the movie and read the book by Jon krakauer, it's was important to him to do a pilgrimage, it's was like he was connected with chris and his story.  

Christopher McCandless' bus lies on the Stampede Trail, which isn't very far from the civilization and can easily be reach in a day of hiking. The Stampede Trail is a fifty miles road, it was used for mining before it was abandonned in 1963. It crosses several rivers but people who travels on foot or bicycle are able to cross it, The bus 142 was used as shelter for people who got lost, for hunters or even for trappers    

During his journey he met 2 Austrians Thomas and Roland,and in 10sec he convinced them to go with him. They drove 12,5 miles to stampede road before to left the car and continue on foot.

The group have been told that somewhere uptsream, the river was wider and less deep. Thomas decided to throw a rocks  to check the depth of the river, since it wasn't really deep, they all decided to cross it. It was their best chance to reach the bus.

When the bus appeared on the side of the trail, he felt quite surprised and he hiked on his own for 10 miles, he never been there before but he said it's was familiar for him to be there,- from the description in the book, the movie and also from the pictures he have seen online

Dan was really surprised when he arrived to the place because he fought that The magic bus were be quiet but it's was the ooposite

Many visitors of the magic bus inscribed their names on the wall of the bus and wrote a message in the Guest Book, a book placed in the bus by Christopher's sister Carine, In this book there are thousand of messages from people all over the world who traveled to the bus. People wrote about how hearing Christopher’ story changed their lives and them live their dreams, they wrote about how beautiful this place was and about how they traveled thousands of miles to get there so they could live their dreams, people wrote of hitching thousands of miles to be there, people wrote about how beautiful of a place Chris had found

His message in the Guest Book captures his feelings:

You have inspired more people than you will ever know, not least of all me.
Your passion, courage and determination gave me the strength to believe I really can make my dreams come true.
And here I am, in Alaska, having been to the Arctic Ocean, on my way to South America.
Thankyou Chris.


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